Injection Mold

In modern industrial production, mold is an important technology used in shaping products (including metal products and nonmetal products) for all of the industries. Meanwhile, it is the ‘magnifying glass of efficiency and profit’ to the raw material and equipment, because the value of the final product made in the mold is often tens of, even hundreds of times as valuable as that of the mold itself.

The mold industry is the basic industry of the national economy, and it is called ‘the mother of industry’. Every aspect of human life such as clothes, food, housing, and transportation is closely connected with the mold industry. Therefore, the level of injection mold technology has been a significant symbol to measure a country’s developing level of mechanical industry.

And mold can be divided into two kinds of them: mold for metal products and nonmetal products.
The metal products mold include cold-press mold, pressing mold, forging mold, press casting mold, precise casting mold, stamping tool, punch tool, and dust metallurgy mold, etc. These kinds of mold have extensive apply-cation in electrode-cranial products, automobiles, aviation instruments, and other metal products.
The nonmetal products include plastic injection mold, ceramic mold, rubber mold, glass mold, food mold, and ornament mold. These kinds of molds have extensive apply cation in our lives, at this page we are talking about injection mold. this is the most papular modern technology which used in our life everywhere.

An injection mold used to form a plastic product using the injection molding process. A standard injection mould is made of a stationary or injection side containing one or more cavities and a moving or ejection side.

The resin, or raw material for injection moulding, is usually in pellet form and is melted by heat and shearing forces shortly before being injected into the mould. The channels through which the plastic flows toward the chamber will also solidify, forming an attached frame. This frame is composed of the sprue, which is the main channel from the reservoir of molten resin, parallel with the direction of the nozzle, and runners, which are perpendicular to the direction of the nozzle and are used to convey molten resin to the gate(s), or point(s) of the gate and feeding the molten material into the mold cavity. The sprue and runner system can be cut off and recycled after molding. Some moulds are designed such that it is automatically stripped from the part through the action of the mould. For example, the submarine gate or banana gate, if using hot runner systems then there will be no runners.

The quality of the injection molded part depends on the quality of the mould, the care taken during the moulding process, and upon details of the design of the part itself. It is essential that the molten resin is at just the right pressure and temperature so that it flows easily to all parts of the mold. The parts of the injection mold must also come together extremely precisely, otherwise small leakages of molten plastic can form, a phenomenon known as flash. When filling a new or unfamiliar mould for the first time, where shot size for that particular mould is unknown, a technician should reduce the nozzle pressure so that the mold fills, but does not flash. Then, using that now-known shot volume, pressure can be raised without fear of damaging the mould. Sometimes factors such as venting, temperature, and resin moisture content, can affect the formation of flash as well.

Injection Mold Material

Traditionally, molds have been very expensive to manufacture therefore they were usually only used in mass production where thousands of parts are being produced. Injection Molds are typically constructed from hardened steel or aluminum. The choice of material to build a mold is primarily one of economics. Steel molds generally cost more to construct, but their longer lifespan will offset the higher initial cost over a higher number of parts made in the mold before wearing out. Aluminum molds can cost substantially less, and when designed and machined with modern computerized equipment, can be economical for moulding hundreds or even tens of parts.

Requirements for the injection mold

ejection system

An ejection system is needed to eject the molded part from the cavity at the end of the molding cycle. Ejector pins built into the moving half of the mold usually accomplish this function. The cavity is divided between the two mold halves in such a way that the natural shrinkage of the molding causes the part to stick to the moving half. When the mold opens, the ejector pins push the part out of the mold cavity.

cooling system

A cooling system is required for the mold. This consists of an external pump connected to passageways in the mold, through which water is circulated to remove heat from the hot plastic. Air must be evacuated from the mold cavity as the polymer rushes in. Much of the air passes through the small ejector pin clearances in the mold. In addition, narrow air vents are often machined into the parting surface; only about 0.03 mm (0.001 in.) deep and 12 to 25 mm (0.5 to 1.0 in.) wide, these channels permit air to escape to the outside but are too small for the viscous polymer melt to flow through.

Use of plastic injection molding

Plastic injection molding is the most common and widely used method for the mass production of plastic products around the world because of its convenience and ease of use. Plastic products made using this method include plastic chairs and tables, electronic product covers, disposable spoons and knives, and other cutlery products.

History of injection molding

Plastic injection molding was started by European and American chemists who were experimenting with plastics. Originally done manually and pushed into the mold using Parkesine, it turned out to be too brittle and flammable. John Wesley Hyatt is the official inventor of plastic injection molding, and this process has a rich history with a brilliant spirit.

Injection molding was originally invented to solve the problems that billiard players face abundantly. The 19th-century billiard balls were made of ivory derived from tusks taken from elephants. Celluloid was one of the first plastics used to make billiard balls.

Plastic Injection Molding

Plastic Injection Molding

Instructions for the procedure

The scientific procedure used to produce plastic products by applying injection molding is very simple. Your plastic melts and is put into a huge syringe. It is then placed in a suitably shaped mold depending on the product being manufactured and allowed to cool for a sufficient amount of time to reach the desired shape. However, the actual process of actual injection molding is not so simple and can be broadly divided into three subdivisions: injection unit, molding section and finally clamp. The plastic pellets are gradually liquefied and gradually injected into the injection unit through a tunnel that is completely melted until it reaches the front of the barrel. When it reaches the mold, it cools and hardens to the desired fixed shape. The mold will then return to the original machine position.

All injection molded parts start with plastic pellets with a diameter of a few millimeters. They can be mixed with certain limited amounts of pigments called “colorants” or up to 15% recycled material. The mixture is then fed into an injection molding machine. Early molding units used a plunger to push down from above. However, the outer area was hot or cold and the melting process did not work properly. The solution to this was a reciprocating screw. This was often seen as the most important contribution that was none other than a revolution in the plastic product manufacturing industry. The screws cause the shear stress necessary to melt the plastic, and the rest of the heat comes from the traditional heater band that surrounds the machine. When molten plastic is injected into the mold, the air is released through the sideways vents. The honey viscosity plastic is so thick that it cannot be released from these vents, which are only a few microns wide.

Engraving witness marks on plastic products is also an important part of marketing. This is because we need to be able to authenticate and verify the authenticity of the product by looking for a line separate from the witness mark. These are created using removable inserts and can prove very helpful in tracking defects.

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Injection Mould China for your market

When it comes to injection mold manufacturers china, there are a number of misconceptions that people typically have. One of the biggest misconceptions is the sense that an operation that is being conducted in China is one that is largely unreliable. This cannot be further from the truth. In fact, this is an extremely reliable operation that is based in China and is turning out products that are of high quality. In order to fully understand this, it is equally important to understand the history of this type of operation as well as its current status.

Injection mold china

Injection mold china

What makes this particular operation better than those that have come before it? In the past, the the hallmark of operations of this type were that quality was sometimes not consistent and sometimes quality barely existed at all. This is especially true of some of the operations that were conducted in China. As a result, people started to have their fair share of doubts about whether or not plastic mould injection operations within the country of China could produce products of reasonable quality. Fast forward to today and those questions have been answered.

In truth, today’s operation is quite reliable and very successful. The reliability issues have been successfully put aside and any questions about quality have them put to rest long ago. Today’s operation distributes products to multiple international customers and is able to produce virtually any type of moulded plastic product for any use. The entire system utilizes a state of the art process, using the latest software to design the products that are ordered and then mass produce them as quickly and efficiently as possible. All of this is done without compromising quality in any way, shape or form.

The best part about it all is that the mistakes that were made throughout the early history of such operations has been taken into account in order to ensure that those types of issues do not happen when products are produced today. In fact, there are more than 15 years worth of operations from which to gain experience and perfect the way that everything is handled ranging from the way that orders are taken to the way that they are produced and shipped out. The fact that software is used to create virtually any type of product minimizes the chances for errors and allows everything to move along very rapidly. The end result is that the only limitation on the types of products that can be produced is the imagination of the individual who is ordering the product in the first place.

In addition, each product gets its own project manager and everything can be produced at a cost that is more than reasonable. This helps to proliferate these types of operations and even though the system is based in China, high quality products are produced each and every day which are then shipped out to locations all over the world. Imagine virtually any plastic mold part such as those parts used for calculators, DVD players or printers, and they can probably be traced directly back to operations of this type. Without them, it would be virtually impossible to operate in the world the way it is understood today.

Why Choose China Plastic Injection Molding Service?

China is well known as a manufacturing center and as an exporter of plastic products. Chinese plastic injection molding manufacturers guarantee high-quality products that are reliable and long-lasting, there are many plastic molding companies in China, it is a headache for you to find a right China mold maker from that huge resource, Sincere Tech is one of the top ten best plastic mold and molding companies in China, we offer you the 100% satisfied quality and service, go to our home page by to know more.

All of the information we referred from Wikipedia, but we sort out together for easy to read, if you want to know more, please go to injection mold Wikipedia.

If you want to know more information about products made from injection mold china company? You are welcome go to our home page to know more, or send us email,we will reply you with 24 hours.


hdpe injection molding

Thermoplastic injection molding has become the most applicable plastic manufacturing process. It is renowned for producing products of high standard quality in minimal turnaround and large quantities. The increasing need for high quality plastic products in different sectors has boosted the application of thermoplastic materials.

These materials are based on polymer resins, and when heated, they turn into a homogeneous liquid that becomes solid when cooled. Injection molding employs thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics or even elastomeric materials to form high-performance moldable parts or products. Newer technologies in injection molding thermoplastic and better molds have enabled the reduction of costs, better looks, and better manufacturing prospects.

Why Are Thermoplastics Materials Used in Injection Molding?


Thermoplastics are used in injection molding since they melt at high temperatures and crystallize at low temperatures. This property makes them ideal for being recycled and formed into different forms and structures. They are the most preferred materials in industries due to their flexibility and versatility of use.

thermoplastic injection molding

How To Produce Injection Molded Thermoplastic Products?

Thermoplastic injection molding is one of the most fundamental processes in contemporary production. It entails the creation of a variety of plastic products through the employment of thermoplastic polymers.

Step 1. Appropriate Material Selection

The material type used determines the final product’s functionality, appearance, and durability. Select materials by considering their mechanical properties, heat stability, and specific use.

Step 2. Material Preparation

This process entails drying raw plastic pellets to eliminate moisture. Because moisture content significantly impacts and is destructive to the melting process and the molded part. These prepared pellets are then fed into the hopper of the injection molding thermoplastic machine through a conveyor belt.

Step 3. Melting

The plastic pellets are melted in a barrel which entails a reciprocating screw. These pellets then take the form of molten lava or red hot liquid. During this phase, temperature controls are crucial to obtain the right consistency and the flow of the molten plastic to the required standard.

Step 4. Injection

As the name suggests, the molten plastic is injected into the mold cavity by applying highly controlled injection pressure. The precise control over this process determines the part’s exact specifications and finishes. The resulting parts are then cooled down and solidified at optimal conditions.

Step 5. Ejection

The required part is then taken out from the mold by using ejector pins after the solidification. This process must be timed and controlled so that it does not harm the part and that it is released properly.

Step 5. Post-Processing

This phase is typically used to cut to shape parts into desired shapes. The parts can be painted, anodized, trimmed, polished, etc, depending on the required functionality and aesthetics.

What are the Critical Parts of a Thermoplastic Injection Molding Machine?

A thermoplastic injection molding machine is made of several parts. Some commonest parts include;

Clamping Unit

The clamping unit tightly holds the two parts of the mold to ensure that they do not open during the injection. It has to apply enough force to resist the force exerted by the molten plastic being injected to ensure that the mold does not open and the part is well formed.

Injection Unit

The injection unit, which is said to be the heart of the machine, is in charge of heating the plastic material and injecting it into the mold cavity. It has a heated barrel with a screw that moves back and forth to force the plastic through a nozzle into the mold and maintain a steady supply of material.

Dwelling and Cooling System

Once the molten plastic has been injected into the mold, the dwelling and cooling system keeps pressure to guarantee that the plastic occupies all the mold cavities and solidifies into the right shape. Cooling is a very important process in the reduction of the cycle time as well as enhancing the quality of the final product.

Ejection Process

After the plastic has been set, the ejection process starts. The mold is opened, and the ejector pins, which are provided on the side of the mold, throw out the finished part from the mold cavity. This process must be done carefully and at the right time so that the part is not damaged and the removal is done well.

Mold Tool

The mold tool is a negative one and is made from steel or aluminum and forms the final product. It defines the surface finish and size of the product. The tool has two halves that are connected at the center and which are injected apart from each other.

injection molded thermoplastic

Material Types Are Used in Thermoplastic Injection Molding?

The are many type of thermoplastic injection molding materials used to create molding products include;

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is characterized by high impact strength, high rigidity, and low shrinkage. This makes it ideal for automotive components, consumer electronics, and toys where durability and mechanical stress resistance are of paramount importance. Read more about ABS injection molding.

Polyamide (Nylon) has high strength, thermal stability, and wear resistance. These attributes make it ideal for use in automotive parts, mechanical products, and other consumer products that require strength and performance. Read more about nylon injection molding.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) has the advantages of high strength, good chemical resistance, and fire resistance. Some of the uses are plumbing pipes, medical tubing, and outdoor furniture, which makes it a material that can be used in many fields.

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) is valued for its transparency, mechanical properties and food contact approval. This material is used in beverage bottles, packaging materials, and synthetic fabrics because of its strength and clarity.

PMMA or Acrylic offers sound light transmission and is not affected by weathering or UV radiation. These features make it suitable for signs, lamps, and windows where transparency and strength are desirable. Read more about PMMA injection molding.

Polystyrene (PS) is a lightweight material, relatively cheap, and often used in disposable cutlery, CD cases, and insulating materials because it is easy to shape and relatively cheap. Read more about PS injection molding.

Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) is characterized by high elasticity, oil resistance, and abrasion resistance. It is applied in the production of soles and insoles of shoes, flexible medical tubes, seals and gaskets of automobiles, etc. Read more about TPU injection molding.

Polyoxymethylene (POM) has high rigidity, low wear rate, and good resistance to shrinkage and swelling. It is suitable for applications that call for strength and accuracy, like gears and bearings, electrical parts, and consumer products. Read more about POM injection molding.

Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) has good electrical properties, heat and chemical resistance. It is widely applied in electrical parts, automotive parts, and under-hood parts because of its high strength and heat resistance.

High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) is characterized by high impact strength and good processability. It is used in model making, sign writing, and in the housing of consumer electronic products where strength and stability are required.

Thermoplastic elastomers or TPE are materials that have characteristics of both thermoplastics and rubber and are flexible and elastic. They are applied to sealing and gasket applications, soft feel parts in household goods, and handles. Read  more about TPE injection molding.

Polyphenylene Oxide (PPO) is well known for its heat resistance, low thermal expansion coefficient and electrical insulation. It is applied in automotive parts, electrical parts, and appliances that need to be hard-wearing and heat-resistant.

LCP is characterized by high mechanical strength, high-temperature stability, and good chemical resistance. It is applied in high-voltage electrical contacts, microwave oven parts, and other critical uses.

Polyetherimide (PEI) has high heat, strength, and flame resistance. It is used in aerospace parts, medical equipment, and other places where high stress is experienced.

Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) is characterized by high-temperature stability, chemical inactivity, and mechanical characteristics. It is applied in aerospace parts, automotive applications, and medical applications where strength and toughness are needed. Read more about PEEK injection molding.

Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) has high heat resistance, chemical resistance, and low thermal shrinkage. It is used in automotive, electrical and electronics and in coatings that require chemical and heat stability. Read more about PPS injection molding.

Styrene Acrylonitrile (SAN) is preferred for its clarity, stiffness and resistance to chemicals. These properties make it suitable for use in food containers since fats and oils are some of the things that the containers should be able to withstand. SAN is also often applied in kitchenware because of its high heat resistance and in bathroom fittings because of chemical resistance.

Acetal (Polyoxymethylene, POM) is highly stiff, self-lubricating, and has good dimensional stability. Acetal is also used in electrical insulators and consumer goods. Some common examples include; zippers and window latches, where strength and wear resistance are required.

Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) is known for its flexibility, high-impact strength, and clarity. It is a rubber like material that can be molded and recycled and is used in foam products used in sports equipment padding, footwear such as soles and insoles, and flexible packaging films.

Polyurethane (PU) is a flexible polymer that is applied to foam furniture and car seats because of its comfort and sturdiness. Also, PU is used in wheels and tires of industrial and recreational vehicles and automotive interior parts such as dashboards.

PPSU is highly heat resistant, very tough, and can withstand steam sterilization, which makes it suitable for challenging conditions. PPSU is widely used in medical instruments that are often sterilized, aircraft interiors that are exposed to high temperatures and stress, and plumbing where heat and mechanical stress are essential. Read more about PPSU injection molding.

Polyethylene Naphthalate (PEN) is a variant of PET but has better barrier properties, heat and chemical resistance. PEN is applied in packaging materials that need to be very strong and have good barrier properties and in electronics where parts need to be dimensionally stable and electrical insulating.

Polybutylene’s peculiar characteristics, like heat and pressure resistance, make it ideal for use in piping systems in hot and cold water distribution and under-floor heating systems where high temperature and pressure are required.

Polymethylpentene (PMP) is a rather special type of thermoplastic due to its transparency and heat resistance. PMP is used in laboratory equipment where chemical resistance and clarity are required and in microwave cookware because of its heat resistance and quality food preparation.

Polysulfone (PSU) is characterized by high heat resistance, strength, and transparency. These characteristics make it ideal for use in medical devices, especially those that are reusable and need to be sterilized, water filtration systems because of their stability and strength, and electrical parts where insulation and heat resistance are important.

Injection Molding Nylon

Thermoset Vs Thermoplastic Injection Molding: Key Differences

Thermoplastic Injection Molding

This thermoplastic molding technique uses materials such as; polyethylene and nylon that can be reheated and recycled for second use. It is perfect for producing numerous components that require flexibility, impact strength, or clarity.

Thermoset Injection Molding

This method uses materials such as epoxy and polyester, which undergo a chemical reaction when exposed to heat and harden to a specific form. They cannot be reshaped once they have cooled down. It is used where high strength, heat or chemical resistance is required, but unlike thermoplastics, they cannot be recycled

Therefore, the major distinction is that thermoplastics can be recycled through melting and thermosets are permanently molded and cannot be remolded, providing different strength as per the requirement.

Industrial Applications of Thermoplastic Injection molding

Automotive Industry: Thermoplastic injection molding is widely applied for fabricating interior to exterior components of automobiles like dashboard parts, bumpers, and door panels of cars. It is also useful for creating under-the-hood parts such as fluid reservoirs and housings because of its strength and accuracy.

Medical Industry: In the medicare sector, thermoplastic injection molding is very significant in the manufacturing of disposable syringes, surgical instruments, and enclosures for medical devices. Due to its precision in developing complex patterns, it is essential to develop parts utilized in diagnostic tools and prosthetics.

Consumer Electronics: In electronics, this molding process is used in the production of enclosures of smart phones, remote controls, and computer parts, among others. It is also used in the fabrication of battery casings and connectors because of its strength and versatility of shape.

Construction Industry: In construction, thermoplastic injection molding is applied in the production of pipe fittings, plumbing parts, and electrical enclosures because of the strength and durability of the material. It is also applied in the production of insulating materials and window frames due to its strength and heat resistance.

Toys and Recreation: This molding process is used in creating action figures, puzzles, and boards games that have designs that are complex. It is also used in the manufacture of outdoor items such as garden implements and children’s play equipment since it can yield strong and safe products.

Household Products: Thermoplastic injection molding is vital in the production of kitchen appliances, containers, and utensils because of the heat and chemical resistance. It is also used in making storage bins and cleaning tools due to its strength and simplicity.

Thermoplastic Injection Molding: Common Defects & Remedies

Below are typical challenges encountered during the process and strategies to address them effectively:

Insufficient Filling: This is so when the mold is not fully filled. To address this, one may increase injection speed or pressure, check the temperature of the material, or increase the size of the gate.

Flash Formation: This is a condition where there is the formation of a thin layer of plastic on the edge of the part after it has been molded. This can be solved by either lowering the injection pressure or clamping force or by checking the mold for any damages.

Warping: If the part distorts during cooling, then consider uniform cooling temperature, cycle time to optimal state.

Sink Marks: These are small contours on the part’s surface and normally occur in varying sizes. To prevent these, increase the cooling time or reduce the holding pressure.

Burn Marks: These occur when a material is overheated or air is trapped and may cause black or brown discoloration on the part surface. This can be overcome by reducing the melt and mold temperature and, at the same time, increasing the injection speed so as to avoid overheating or the formation of air pockets.

Such changes should enhance the quality and productivity of the injection molding process.

Summing Up

Thermoplastic injection molding remains one of the most significant pillars of innovation that offers flexibility and effectiveness in developing quality products. It is used in automotive and medical industries, consumer electronics and many more industries proving its versatility and efficiency.

Companies like Sincer Tech are the best examples of plastic injection molding services that provide full-service solutions with a focus on quality and accuracy. Our company specializes in overmolding and insert molding and uses a variety of materials to guarantee that each product is of the highest quality.

They offer a wide range of thermoplastics, and their experience in prototype molding and mass production makes them among the best. Whether it is a prototype or a mass production project, Sincere Techs’ dedication to the advancement of technology and the production of high-quality products is evident in all of their work.