melting point of plastic material

Melting point of plastic is critical information. It’s needed in many separate industrial steps. You probably know that injection molding, extrusion, and forming are standard techniques for making plastic products. These methods require specific technology to melt and work with plastic. Therefore, knowing the melting point of plastic material is critical.

If you don’t know the right temperature to heat the plastic, you’ll burn it or not melt it enough, ruining your products. Note that a good craftsman always knows his materials. You wouldn’t bake a cake without knowing the oven temperature, so why is it worth it with plastics without knowing their melting point?

In the injection molding, the plastic must flow smoothly to fill every mold corner. On the other hand, extrusion must melt to the right consistency for shaping. Even in basic formation processes, the melting point determines the manufacturing strategy.

Knowing the melting point of plastics is essential. Simple. When you master the melting point of plastics, you can control the production process. In this article, you will learn some basics about the melting point of plastic material.

What is the difference between melting point and melting range? The article also talks about different types of plastics with varying melting points. You will also be familiar with the state of plastics when heating them.

melting point of plastic

What is the Melting Point of Plastic Material?

The melting point of plastic material is the temperature at which it melts. Another way to say this is that the melting point is the temperature at which the plastic changes from solid to liquid. It seems easy, doesn’t it? But it’s not always clear-cut when it comes to plastics. Different kinds of plastic don’t melt at the same temperature; instead, they soften as the temperature changes.

Plastic material usually melts slowly in different states. In various states, there are various types of temperatures during the heating of plastics. You will know more about it in the next few sections. Before that, you must clear two concepts. What is thermoplastic, and what is thermoset? What is melting point, and what is melting range?

Thermoplastics typically have a melting range. When you heat them, they slowly turn soft and molten from solid, hard plastic. But thermosets? That’s a different story. They don’t usually melt; they break down and degrade when you heat them. You will learn more about them in the following sections.

Why does this matter for your projects? Why does the article suddenly mention this? If you’re injection molding or extruding, you must know exactly when and how your plastic melts. As you know, the raw materials are injected or pushed into the dies by injection molding and extruding. During pushing, the molten raw material must ensure an appropriate temperature. That’s why every operator must carefully maintain the correct temperature for the operation. Otherwise, your plastic parts may come with unexpected defects.

Melting Point of Plastics vs Melting Range of Plastics

We use “melting point” and “melting range ” when discussing plastic melting points.” As previously stated, a melting point occurs when a material melts into a liquid. On the other hand, a melting range is the series of locations at which a substance softens and eventually becomes liquid. Let’s investigate further.

The melting point of crystalline materials is precise and well-defined. It is firm for one moment and flowing like water for the next. However, not all polymers react like this. Some plastics do not melt immediately but rather soften progressively, due primarily to their amorphous character. Amorphous plastics don’t have a clear-cut melting. Instead, they have a melting range.

If you work with plastics in injection molding or extrusion, melting point and range play crucial roles. You need to know when your material will start to flow and when it will fully melt.

Injection molding uses an injection chamber and mold to create different plastic parts. This method is famous for creating complex plastic parts. Typical examples are toys, electric housings, automotive parts, and many consumer products. The injection chamber generally melts or softens the plastic pushed through the injection pin to the mold. During this time, maintaining the temperature is crucial.

In extrusion, on the other hand, a die and an extruder are used to make shapes of plastics. This way of making plastic is excellent for making seal strips, tubes, and sheets. The raw material is removed from the bin and sent to the extruder barrel. This machine has big screws that move it forward. Both of these things happen at the same time in the extruder barrel. The melting point and melting ranges are critical in this case.

Stages of Melting During Heating Plastics

In general, plastics have both melting points and melting ranges. When heated, they undergo two stages before melting: initial and full. These two stages significantly affect the quality of the final plastic product. When working with plastics, you must use a controlled environment.

Stage #1 Initial Melting

Plastics show subtle signs the first time, just like butter in the initial stage. At this point, the plastic’s solid structure begins to loosen and soften. It’s not completely liquid yet, but the material loses its rigidity. This stage is critical. If you heat too fast, it might cause uneven melting or even damage the material.

Plastics are frequently rather stable during the initial melting period. However, they are generally pliable. It’s similar to the difference between solids and liquids: pliable enough to mold but rigid enough to retain form.

This stage is ideal for the plastic-forming method. You must be careful here, especially when maintaining the temperature rate. You might find a few defects if the heat is ramped up too quickly. Typical defects you might see are warping uneven melting, or surface degradation.

Stage #2 Full Melting

If you continue to heat the pliable plastic, it will melt completely. This is the point at which the plastic turns into a liquid. The substance loses all stiffness and flows freely. You can then use it to mold or extrude. The concentration of plastic liquid is very thick, making it easy to handle.

This is the stage when you will primarily work with plastic. It is ideal for plastic injection and extrusion methods. However, you must be careful with timing though. If you heat it too long, you risk burning or degrading the plastic. And once that happens, there’s no going back.

Another question people often ask is what the right temperature is for full melting. Different plastics have different melting points. You have to know your material. For example, polyethylene melts at a different temperature than nylon. You will know the exact value at the end of this article.

Melting Characteristics of Plastics

Plastic has varying melting behaviors. The way plastic melts can make or break your manufacturing process. Some plastics melt evenly, while others often over various temperatures.

The characteristics of plastic mainly depend on two main criteria. (1) Is it thermoplastic or thermosetting? (2) Is it crystalline or amorphous? You can choose the right plastic for your project when you have enough information on these two factors.

melting point of plastics

Thermoplastics vs Thermosets

Thermoplastics provide flexibility in the production process. They may be melted down, reformed, and reused. These materials are great for ever-changing designs. Thermosets, on the other hand, are exactly the opposite. It does not melt but instead degrades and breaks over time. They are perfect for long-term use because they do not melt and cannot be reshaped. Besides, thermosetting plastics are high-strength structures.

So, which one might be right for your project? The table below lists the characteristics of each plastic.

Property Thermoplastic Thermosets
Melting Behavior Melts when heated and can be remolded They do not melt; instead, they degrade or char when heated.
Reusability It can be reheated and reshaped multiple times Can not be reshaped once set; irreversible
Heating Process Undergoes softening (melting) and solidifies when cooled Undergoes a curing process and hardens permanently
Temperature Tolerance Varies; generally lower than thermosets Higher heat resistance once cured
Example Materials Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), PVC Epoxy, Phenolic, and Melamine
Structure Linear or branched polymers with flexible bonds Cross-linked polymers with rigid bonds
Applications Used in injection molding, extrusion, packaging Used in electrical insulation, adhesives, and coatings

Crystalline vs Amorphous Materials

When you consider thermoplastics, you have two options: crystalline and amorphous. These two thermoplastics also behave differently when heated. Crystalline plastics have a clear-cut melting point. Because of this, they are easy to handle during injection molding or extrusion. On the other hand, amorphous plastics soften over a range of temperatures. This can be both beneficial and irritating. The irritating part is that your plastic might deform while cooling if you cannot control the temperature properly.

So, which one might be right for your project? The table below lists the characteristics of each plastic.

Characteristics Crystalline Materials Amorphous Materials
Melting Behavior The sharp melting point at a specific temperature No sharp melting point; softens over a range of temperatures
Structure Highly ordered and structured molecular arrangement Random, discolored molecular structure
Melting Range With a narrow melting range, it transitions quickly from solid to liquid Broad melting range; gradual softening before becoming fully liquid
Thermal Expansion Low expansion during heating due to tight molecular packing Higher expansion due to loosely packed molecules
Example Plastics Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Nylon (PA) Polystyrene (PS), Polycarbonate (PC), Acrylic (PMMA)
Transparency Usually, it is opaque due to crystalline structure. Typically, it is transparent.
Heat Resistance Generally higher heat resistance due to ordered structure Lower heat resistance compared to crystalline materials
Applications High-strength, high-heat applications (e.g., packaging, automotive). Flexible, impact-resistant applications (e.g., lenses, casings).

The Three States of Plastics During Heating

Heating plastic does not transform it into a liquid only. It passes several phases, each showing the different conditions of the plastic. Under this situation, one usually discusses three states. Let us transcend these states.

State #1 Glassy State

The glassy state is typically the material’s rigid, brittle, and tough state. When heated, plastic reaches the transition temperature at a certain time. When it reaches this level, it shows a glassy state, thus the name. In this phase, the plastic molecules are tightly together. If you apply stress to it, it won’t change any of its structures.

State #2 High Elastic State

As the temperature rises, plastic enters the high elastic or rubber state. At this moment, plastic becomes stretchy and flexible but not flowing. The plastic gets more flexible and stretches but is not nearly meltable. Though the molecules now move more freely and relax, they still cling to one another.

State #3 Viscous Flow State

Finally, the plastic finds its viscous flow condition. This is the intriguing part. At this point, the plastic moves more like a thick liquid. Plastic can be shaped and molded as the unrestricted movement of its molecules enables it. This is the moment you might pour plastic into the mold.

Three Key Temperatures of Plastics During Heating

You are now familiar with three significant states of plastic. In this section, you will learn how temperatures affect these states. Note that each temperature point is critical in how the plastic behaves and how you will process it.

#1 Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)

This is the temperature responsible for the glass state of plastics, hence the name glass transition temperature (Tg). At this time, the plastic is stiff, brittle, and tough. The next step is the elastic state, in which the plastic turns rubbery. It hasn’t melted yet, but it is more pliable. This temperature is necessary for both polycarbonate (PC) and polystyrene.

#2 Melting Temperature (Tm) or Flow Temperature

The melting temperature is also known as the flow temperature. It is where the plastic melts. For crystalline plastic, this is a specific temperature. If you heat the plastic to this temperature, it moves from solid to liquid. Then, it is to be molded or extruded.

However, amorphous plastics do not melt in the conventional sense. They first soften before gradually becoming liquid.

In injection molding and extrusion, obtaining the flow temperature is critical for properly shaping the material. If the plastic is too cold, it will not flow effectively, resulting in poor performance.

#3 Decomposition Temperature

The final temperature is the breakdown temperature. It is typically utilized as a danger zone. When you heat a plastic above its melting or flow temperature, it breaks down chemically. Not only will the material lose its properties, but it could also release harmful gases.

If you push the plastic too far, it will go past its breaking point. Decomposition temperatures differ depending on the type of plastic, but they are always a point to avoid.

Food-Grade plastic material

Why is Melting Point Necessary for Injection Molding, Extrusion, and Formation?

In plastic manufacture, melting or softening plastic is a regular operation—usually, injection molding, extrusion, and forming start on this basis. Therefore, the melting point of polymers becomes important here.

Role #1 Ensures Optimal Flow

Plastics’ melting points play the first and most crucial role in ensuring optimal flow. You are already familiar with flow temperature or melting temperature. The melting point ensures the plastic becomes fluid enough to flow smoothly. If it’s too cold, it won’t fill molds or flow through extruders properly. However, if it is too hot, the plastic might degrade.

Role #2 Prevents Decomposition

As we already said, plastic breaks down when heated above its melting point. This temperature, which can destroy your material, is often called the breakdown temperature. The melting point of plastics tells you what temperature your process can’t go above.

Role #3 Determines Cycle Time Efficiency

The melting point determines how quickly or slowly a process can proceed. The plastic will take longer to melt or cool down if you don’t reach the proper temperature. Mastering the melting point helps shorten cycle times and cut production delays.

Role #4 Affects Material Strength

What happens when plastic is over- or under-heated? Its structural integrity has been damaged. The melting point determines how plastic hardens or sets. Poorly regulated melting points might result in weak or brittle products.

Role #5 Enables Uniformity and Precision

Properly maintaining plastics’ melting points can ensure consistent parts every time. Whether it’s injection molding or extrusion, the plastic has to flow evenly to prevent defects like warping or uneven surfaces. Correct melting also helps ensure that parts maintain precise dimensions and tolerances.

Melting Point of Common Plastics

In the plastic industry, a wide range of plastics are used. If we make a list of them, this article might become huge. In the following, we have highlighted a few common types of plastics and their melting points.

ABS 190°C to 270°C or 374°F to 518°F 40°C to 80°C or 104°F to 176°F
ACRYLIC 220°C to 250°C or 428°F to 482°F 50°C to 80°C or 122°F to 176°F
HDPE 120°C to 180°C or 248°F to 356°F 20°C to 60°C or 68°F to 140°F
LDPE 105°C to 115°C or 221°F to 239°F 20°C to 60°C or 68°F to 140°F
NYLON 6 214°C to 223°C or 417°F to 433°F 40°C to 90°C or 104°F to 194°F
NYLON 11 180°C to 230°C or 356°F to 446°F 40°C to 110°C or 104°F to 230°F
NYLON 12 130°C to 220°C or 266°F to 428°F 40°C to 110°C or 104°F to 230°F
PEEK 350°C to 390°C or 662°F to 734°F 120°C to 160°C or 248°F to 320°F
POLYCARBONATE 280°C to 320°C or 536°F to 608°F 85°C to 120°C or 185°F to 248°F
POLYESTER PBT 240°C to 275°C or 464°F to 527°F 60°C to 90°C or 140°F to 194°F
POLYPROPYLENE (COPOLYMER) 200°C to 280°C or 392°F to 536°F 30°C to 80°C or 86°F to 176°F
POLYPROPYLENE (HOMOPOLYMER) 200°C to 280°C or 392°F to 536°F 30°C to 80°C or 86°F to 176°F
POLYSTYRENE 170°C to 280°C or 338°F to 536°F 30°C to 60°C or 86°F to 140°F
PVC P 170°C to 190°C or 338°F to 374°F 20°C to 40°C or 68°F to 104°F
PVC U 160°C to 210°C or 320°F to 410°F 20°C to 60°C or 68°F to 140°F
SAN 200°C to 260°C or 392°F to 500°F 50°C to 85°C or 122°F to 185°F
TPE 260°C to 320°C or 500°F to 608°F 40°C to 70°C or 104°F to 158°F

Frequently Asked Questions

Which plastic has the highest melting point?

Among the most common plastics, PTFE has the highest melting point. It is also known as Polytetrafluorethylene. The general melting point of this plastic is 327C or 620F. One of the best things about this material is its stability. PTFE is highly stable in a wide range of temperatures, from -200C to 260C. As a result, people use it in many applications.

Will plastic melt at 170 degrees?

As you know, there is a wide range of plastics available. Plastic melting is, therefore, not the same for everyone. The kinds of plastics determine it mainly. Low melting point polymers such as LDPE and HDPE exist. They usually melt at 170 degrees.

Which plastic has the lowest melting point?

Polyethylene, sometimes called PE plastic, is one of the most often used forms of plastic. Its melting point is between 100C and 180C, usually among the lowest. This plastic is extensively used in plastic bags and containers.

What is the hardest plastic to melt?

Among the tough-to-melt plastics, PTFE is one of the hardest plastics. It comes with a melting point of around 327°C (620°F). This plastic is used in a wide range of applications.

Do all plastics have different melting points?

Yes, they do. Different types of plastics are used in many applications. Why is there such diversity? They have unique physical and chemical properties. Some melt at low heat, while others melt at high heat.


We mostly covered plastic behavior under heat throughout this paper. As you have observed, every form of plastic has somewhat varied melting points. Furthermore, the melting temperature changes depending on the type of plastic.

The melting point of plastics is crucial for various manufacturing processes. Typical factory processes are injection molding, extrusion, and plastic forming. In each method, the melting point of plastics plays a critical role. Failure to maintain the right melting temperature may lead to many defects.

If you have any questions, contact our customer support team. We have a team of experts who are always happy to assist you. if you are looking for suitable plastic material for your project, you can go to page on how to select the best injection molding material to find the best option for your project, or you can contact us for support.

Nylon 6_ 66. 12

Nylon finds it’s into everyday life. It was first created in 1935 by Wallace Carothers of DuPont company for use in making women’s stockings instead of silk. But it just took off during World War II and people started using it for different purposes. Nylon was Initially used in parachutes, truck tires, tents, and fuel tanks. Today it has become the most widely used synthetic fibers ever produced in the world.

Nylon belongs to the polyamide (PA) group. The product’s strength and resilience stem from the amide connections. Some common polyamides include Kevlar, Nomex, and Pebax. Among all, Kevlar is notably a rugged material. Therefore, widely employed in making bulletproof vests. Nomex is heat heat-resistant material used in firefighting apparel. Nylon(PA), nowadays, is used in various products apart from clothing and fabrics. Go to PA6 GF30 page to know more about PA6 material.

Nylon 6/6 vs Nylon 6 Vs. Nylon 12

Why Can’t Nylon 6(Pa6), Nylon 66(Pa66), and Nylon 12(Pa12) Interchangeably Used?

Different nylons are used for different applications. Choosing the wrong grade of nylon can result in several problems. Here’s what you may encounter:

  • Underperformance at Service Temperatures: Nylon 6 has different melting points and thermal resistance from Nylon 66 and Nylon 12. These differences imply that the heat resistance of each material differs greatly when tested under actual use conditions. When using a nylon grade that has insufficient thermal stability, you are likely to experience breakages and contamination that affect the quality of your application.
  • Premature Wear: The nylon chosen should have adequate strength and flexibility to avoid failure in the early stages of operation. The use of the wrong nylon grade results in component failure, a vice that compromises the lives of end users. Besides, some failures require an unscheduled maintenance process that increases costs and time wasted on production.
  • Unnecessary Expense: The right grade should be opted for the right application. For example, opting for a higher-priced nylon material when a lower-priced one will do so can easily push project costs through the roof. Since Nylon 6, Nylon 66, and Nylon 12 have distinct peculiar benefits and limitations. So, understanding the specific features can help determine which of these materials will be suitable for your project. It can save 1000s on refabrication, repairs, and replacements.

Therefore, a designer or processor must understand and compare the various properties and performances of each nylon grade to achieve the best results in the application of the product.

Various Nylin Grades

Plastic car engine components are slightly similar to nylons in the sense of the idea. Polyamides, known as nylons, are of several types. These include:

  • Nylon 6
  • Nylon 6/6 (Nylon 66 or Nylon 6,6)
  • Nylon 6/9
  • Nylon 6/10
  • Nylon 6/12
  • Nylon 4/6
  • Nylon 11
  • Nylon 12/12

The naming system is associated with the carbon atoms in the base materials of each of the structures. For example, nylon 6 is derived from caprolactam and includes six carbon atoms in its chains. Nylon 6/6 originates from hexamethylene diamine with six carbon atoms and adipic acid with six as well.

In properties, however, they are variant. For example, not as dramatic as in steels, however, structural differences and additives can significantly impact performance. There are almost 90 different types of Nylon 11, provided by a single supplier.

Nylon in Engineering Plastics

Nylon materials are appreciated to have high strength, high stiffness, and high impact strength or toughness. These traits make them favorite materials for engineering plastics. Some of the most familiar are gears, grilles, door handles, two-wheeler wheels, bearings, and sprockets. These products are also employed in power tool housings, terminal blocks, and slide rollers.

However, material may be a disadvantage. As it absorbs moisture which in turn alters both the properties and fabric dimensions. This issue is reduced when reinforcing nylon with glass, resulting in a strong and impact-resistant material. Go to nylon injection molding page to know more about this plastic material.

Heat-resistant nylons are gradually finding their way into such applications as replacements for metals, ceramics, and other polymers. They are applied in automobile engines and oil and gas industries. Nylon 6 and Nylon 6/6 are typically chosen because of their relatively low price and high wear resistance. Go to is nylon safe page to know more about nylon material.

Nylon 6/6 Characteristics

Chemical Formula: [−NH−(CH2)6−NH−CO−(CH2)4−CO−]n

Nylon 66

Original nylon 6/6 is normally the least costly. This makes it quite popular. Nylon 6/6 is often used in Germany due to historical reasons connected with supplies. Nylon 6/6 has good high-temperature and moisture resistance and is fairly strong at all temperature and moisture levels. It also provides abrasion resistance, and low permeability to gasoline and oils.

Moreover, Nylon 6/6 features negative consequences. It absorbs moisture rapidly and the effect reduces the impact strength and ductility when the polymer is dry. It is also very prone to UV and oxidative degradation. However, Nylon 6/6 shows lower resistance to weak acids than types such as Nylon 6/10, 6/12, 11, or 12. Besides, Nylon 6/6 is still widely used in electrical components because of the advancement in fire retardancy. It also replaces metal in diecast hand tools.

Properties of Nylon 6

Chemical Formula: [−NH−(CH2)5−CO−]n

Nylon 6

Nylon 6 has several properties. These enormous features set it apart from other nylon grades and similar products in the market. Nylon 6 has very good elasticity, accompanied by very high tensile strength. It makes it even more valuable because it does not react with either alkalis or acids.

Further, nylon 6 offers adequate protection against different types of abrasion, as well. It has a melting point of 220℃. The glass transition temperature can be adjusted to 48℃. Nylon 6 filaments have a featureless surface that could be compared to that of glass. Another outstanding property of this material due to its ability to swell and absorb up to 2.4% water. These properties make nylon 6 useful in automotive, aerospace, cosmetic, and consumer products.

Applications of Nylon 6

Nylon 6 is widely applied in those cases where the material must have high strength, impact strength, and wear resistance. Its versatility makes it suitable for:

  • Strands: Fibers
  • Cleaning: Toothbrush bristles
  • Strumming: Guitar strings and picks
  • Mechanism: Gears
  • Lock: Panel latches
  • Shielding: Circuit insulation
  • Shell: Power tool housing
  • Insert: Medical implants
  • Covering: Films, wraps, and packaging

Advantages of Nylon 6

Several advantages make nylon 6 an excellent choice for specific uses:

  • It provides very high stiffness and good resistance to abrasion.
  • Nylon 6 is suitable for injection molding operations.
  • This material performs best in applications where there is a requirement for impact strength.
  • It is flexible to regain its original shape after having been deformed.
  • Nylon 6 has good dyeing properties and the ability to retain those colors.

Disadvantages of Nylon 6

Despite its benefits, nylon 6 has a few drawbacks:

  • It has a low melting point as compared to other materials, that is 220 ℃.
  • Due to the hygroscopic property, it tends to absorb moisture content in air and its surrounding atmosphere.
  • High temperatures and light reduce its strength and structure; thus, it is not suitable for use under such conditions.
  • Nylon 6 is not immune to UV light and thus characters such as color and strength are known to degrade when the material is exposed to sunlight.

Comparison between Nylon 6 and Nylon 6/6

Chemically, Nylon 6/6 has better resistance to calcium chloride as well as better weathering properties. Moreover, it has a higher HDT than Nylon 6. However, all the nylons are proved to be affected by the degradation when they come across the 15% ethanol gasoline.

In the selection of nylon material, there are materials selection tools such as UL Prospector that can be used to meet properties for the intended application. Other related choices such as acetals and thermoplastic polyesters have to be taken into account when making the choice.

Nylon 12 (PA 12): A Strong Performer with Unique Structure


Nylon 12

Nylon 12 (PA 12) is the most common material used in SLS and Multi Jet Fusion printing processes. It is an aliphatic polyamide that has an open structure with an aliphatic carbon backbone with exactly 12 carbons in its polymer backbone. PA 12 has a high chemical, salt, and oil resistance according to the specification in the table below. It has a lower melting point of about 356°F (180°C) but is still a very useful material.

Like PA 11, it has less tendency to absorb moisture making it stable in different climates. PA 12 is offered in black and white grades and the addition of glass and mineral fillers improves mechanical and thermal characteristics. It is widely practiced in printing enclosures, fixtures, catheters, and automobile fuel systems.

PA 12 is also biocompatible to make medical components suitable. Besides its medical use, it is used in cosmetics packing, electrical connections, and many other industrial products.

Table for Nylon 6/6 vs Nylon 6 Vs. Nylon 12:

Property Nylon 6 Nylon 66 Nylon 12
Resistance to Hydrocarbons Moderate Superior Excellent
Mould Shrinkage Lower Shrinkage Higher Shrinkage Minimal Shrinkage
Impact Resistance Superior Moderate High
Easiness to Colour Lustrous Colour Less Eye-Catching Moderate
Water Absorption Speed High Moderate Low
Recyclability Potential Superior Moderate High
Molecular Mobility High Lower Moderate
Elastic Recovery Superior Moderate High
Dye Affinity Superior Moderate High
Crystallinity More Less Less
Heat Deflection Temperature 180°C – 220°C 250°C – 265°C ~ 180°C
Melting Point 215°C – 220°C 250°C – 265°C 175°C – 180°C
Chemical Acid Resistance Moderate Superior Excellent
Rigidity Moderate Superior Flexible
Color-fastness Superior Moderate High
Temperature Resistance High Superior Moderate
Ability to Clean Moderate Superior Excellent
Elastic Modulus Superior Moderate High
Internal Structure Less Compact More Compact Less Compact
Polymerization Formation Open Ring (Caprolactam) Condensation (Hexamethylenediamine + Adipic Acid) Condensation (Laurolactam)
Moisture Regain 4% – 4.5% 4% – 4.5% ~ 0.4%
Monomer Requirements 1 (Caprolactam) 2 (Hexamethylenediamine + Adipic Acid) 1 (Laurolactam)
Density 1.2 g/ml 1.15 g/ml 1.01 g/ml
Degree of Polymerization ~200 60 – 80 ~100

Nylons and UV Resistance

Nylons are also very sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Suspending them exposes their structure’s capacity to degrade with time. The use of stabilizers in nylon formulations increases their ability to withstand UV degradation. Particularly, nylon 6/6 is vulnerable to such rays while nylon 6 has potential degradation threats if it is not reinforced with appropriate additives.

UV light excites some electrons in the chemical bonds which form nylon polymers. This interaction targets pi electrons and breaks the double bond and aromatic systems, offered by Bowe’s tutelage. For instance, nylon 6 is known to have good UV resistance at its amide bond and thus is likely to degrade. For instance, polyethylene polymers that do not have pi electrons are more resistant to UV radiation than the other polymers.

All material gets degraded due to UV exposure not just the nylon material. Nevertheless, when stabilizers are incorporated, nylon can do fairly well in applications that are characterized by outdoor use. For instance, the mini snap rivets manufactured from nylon 6/6 are suitable for use in outdoor conditions. These rivets are UL94 V-2 flame-rated for fire retardance and functionality in diverse settings.

To optimize the performance of nylon products they are subjected to UV stabilizers since they are usually exposed to sunlight. These additives assist in either absorbing or reflecting ultraviolet rays which are detrimental to nylon parts, thus increasing the service life of nylon parts. The choice of these stabilizers is therefore made in a way that will provide the best performance and at the same time not affect the mechanical properties.

To sum it up, nylon is inherently sensitive to UV action but improvements with stabilizers are possible. The knowledge about the effect of UV light on nylon can help avoid choosing the wrong material for applications that will be exposed to the outdoor environment. Sometimes, to increase the streigth, we will add some glass fiber in nylon material to fix together to make some nylon molded parts, those part which we call glass filled nylon injection molding parts.

Performance Analysis of Nylon 6, Nylon 66, and Nylon 12

Nylon 6 has a very high level of damp strength. It has a high impact strength and flex fatigue. Nylon 6 needs lower processing temperatures compared to Nylon 66. Furthermore, its amorphous nature also means that its molds have less shrinkage than their crystalline counterparts. However, it is also possible to obtain fully transparent grades of Nylon 6 for particular uses. However, this nylon swells and absorbs moisture at higher rates making it dimensionally unstable. Some of these challenges may be overcome by alloying the polymer with low-density polyethylene. Some of the uses of Nylon 6 are for instance for stadium seats and hosiery. Other uses include radiator grills and industrial yarn. In addition, toothbrush fibers and machine guards are also produced using Nylon 6.

Of all the types of nylon, Nylon 66 is reputed to be the most commonly used. It possesses high strength in a range of temperatures. This type demonstrates high abrasion resistance and low permeability. This material is resistant to mineral oils and refrigerants to a great extent. Chemical resistance to saturated calcium chloride is also an advantage. Further, it also presents good weathering characteristics in this nylon. Most often, Nylon 66 competes with metals in die-cast tool bodies and frames. This nylon is okay to be used in wet conditions as well. But, the impact strength is low and so is the ductility. Some of the uses are friction bearings, tire cords, and automotive airbags.

Nylon 12 has different advantages compared to other materials. It shows good chemical resistance in this application, therefore improving the lifetime of the material. The moisture absorption rates are also comparatively low, which makes it dimensionally stable. Nylon 12 is used in 3D printing and auto parts. Moreover, this nylon is used in flexible tubing and medical components. For these reasons, Nylon 12 has become a versatile material for use in many industries. However, Nylon 12 has different advantages over Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 depending on the required application.

Application Comparison of Nylon 6, Nylon 66, and Nylon 12

This paper focuses on the application of two types of nylons, Nylon 6 and Nylon 66. The characteristics of these nylons make a great impact on their applications in several industries.

Nylon 6 has a lower melting point and good processing ability. This makes it suitable for manufacturing lightweight textiles and other industrial parts. Nylon 6 manufactured through nylon injection molding is widely used. This material is suitable for molding different parts such as interior trims of automobiles, appliance parts, and sports items.

To this, Nylon 6 has the advantage of being elastic as well as having a wear resistance ability. These characteristics make it suitable for textiles such as socks and sportswear.

On the other hand, Nylon 66 is appreciated for its higher melting point as well as improved mechanical properties. This makes it more suitable for use in systems where intense temperature and mechanical properties are needed.

In nylon injection molding processes, the Nylon 66 is preferred for making wear-resistant products. Some of the applications are engineering plastics, automotive engine components, and electronic gadgets.

Further, the high-temperature stability of Nylon 66 makes it suitable for application in automobiles and aerospace industries. This implies that its strength under such conditions makes it even more valuable in applications to meet high standards.

Nylon 12 supplements these materials with the following characteristics. A well-known chemical resistant, nylon 12 has applications in autonomous uses such as in fuel tanks, medical applications, etc. Another advantage is that it can remain dimensionally stable in different climates, which will be helpful in different fields.

Hence, every type of nylon has unique benefits that adapt to cater various needs of the market. The type of nylon to be used depends on the application intended and the conditions in which the material will be used.

Other Common Nylon Grades

Different grades of nylon are produced and each of them is used for a particular purpose. Nylon 610 and Nylon 612 have very low moisture absorption and are thus used for electrical insulation. They have more beneficial characteristics, but they have greater expense compared to conventional materials. Characterized by low moisture absorption, Nylon 610 has a relatively low glass transition temperature for sensitive applications.

However, due to its flexible characteristics, Nylon 612 is gradually replacing Nylon 610. This shift is mainly driven by the fact that the price of Nylon 612 is lower compared to Nylon 6 and Nylon 66. Superior heat resistance increases its demand, and it is widely used in most industries.

For their properties, Nylon 612 is usually known to be slightly inferior to Nylon 6 and Nylon 66. It shows the improved ability to resist creep in humid environments, which increases its applicability.

The two types of nylon are Nylon 11 and Nylon 12 and the latter has the lowest moisture absorption rate among all unfilled nylon types. These nylons show improved dimensional stability and also exhibit higher impact and flexural strength than Nylon 6, 66, 610, and 612. However, they are expensive, weaker, and have a lower maximum service temperature as compared to their cold-worked counterparts.

In general, Nylon 11 and Nylon 12 have some benefits over other members of the nylon family, especially because they have outstanding performance in weathering. However, they are threatened by new highly resistant super-tough nylons developed for better performance.

Another is Nylon 1212 which is superior to Nylon 6 and Nylon 66 and more economical than Nylon 11 or Nylon 12. It is used in many fields due to its balanced performance and its reasonable prices.

At high temperatures, Nylon 46 possesses high impact strength as well as moderate levels of creep rates. Moreover, it has a higher modulus and better fatigue strength than the Nylon 66 material as well. However, it has a smaller processing window than those found in Nylon 6T and Nylon 11, which may affect its usability in some processing environments.

Therefore, these nylon grades have unique characteristics that qualify them for various uses in the industry. The analysis of each material shows that strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are the results of the formulation and application of the material.


The use of Nylon 6, Nylon 66, and Nylon 12 depends on the specific application that one needs. It has good flexibility and shock resistance and therefore is suitable for making light-duty components. Nylon 66 has more strength and heat stability, and Nylon 6 works well in stress applications. Nylon 12 is currently used in outdoor applications due to its low moisture absorption and excellent weathering resistance, but it is slightly expensive.

Understanding the properties of each nylon grade will help you select the right material that will provide the performance you need as well as the cost you want. This results in longer-lasting and better efficient outcomes in the application.

What is PA66 30 GF

People are continuously looking for more flexible and durable materials. PA6 GF30 plastic is a prime example of this type of material, many of nylon injection molding parts are made by PA66 GF30 plastic material. It has been employed in various industries since 1930 and is an adaptable solution for everything from automotive parts to consumer goods.

So, why is there such demand for PA6 GF30? First, this material is incredibly stronger than typical polymers. Second, it is durable and lasts over 40 to 50 years, depending on the favorable conditions. Engineers typically prefer this material due to its ability to withstand heavy loads. Besides, 30% glass fiber makes this material stiffer and more robust than typical PA6.

In today’s fast-paced world, PA6 GF30 stands out. It meets the ever-growing need for lightweight, strong materials that can endure harsh conditions. Industries are constantly looking for solutions that are both effective and efficient. The PA6 GF30 meets most of their requirements!

The need for products like PA6 GF30 only grows as technology improves. What you need to know about glass-filled nylon 6 is in this text. You will also learn about the different kinds of PA6 GF30 and how they are different. This article is especially useful for people who make products, sell them, or are interested in business.

pa6 gf30

What Is PA6 GF30 Material?

PA6 GF30 plastic is one of the most common types of glass-filled nylon-6 category. The name has two terms, “PA6” and “GF30”. Go to is nylon safe and glass filled nylon injection molding page to know more.

PA6 stands for Poly-Amide, a type of nylon. Specifically, PA6 GF30 is a special type of nylon reinforced with glass fibers. If you look into a “PA6” chemical structure, you will find a caprolactam polymer. However, the “GF30” term indicates that the material’s 30% typically comes from glass fibers.

Engineers and developers prefer the PA6 GF30 because it is strong and durable. The polycaprolactam structure normally provides mechanical properties and wear resistance. On the other hand, the glass fibers improve the strength and stiffness of the nylon. As a result, PA6 GF30 is much stronger than typical PA6. FYI: the added glass fibers generally help the material resist deformation. Also, it improves the performance of the PA6 GF30 material under high stress.

Glass-filled nylon 6 offers more strength than typical PA6. This is why people prefer glass-filled nylon-6 over standard PA6 material. PA 6 materials are often used in textile and consumer products. On the other hand, PA6 GF30 is a preferred choice for car and electronics industry. You may usually find its use in making housings, brackets, and structural parts.

Properties & Benefits of A PA6 GF30 Glass Fiber

The unique structure of glass-filled nylon-6 offers a wide range of benefits over typical PA6. The addition of 30% glass fiber is mainly responsible for all these superior properties. Because of these, the PA6 GF30 part is widely prevalent in many industries.

In this section, you will specifically review each property and learn why glass-filled nylon 6 is a suitable material.

Improved Mechanical Properties

PA6 GF30 plastic offers superior tensile strength. Since this material uses glass fiber, you must count two tensile strength values. First, the tensile strength along the fiber is 175 MPa. Second, the tensile strength perpendicular to the fiber is 110MPa. On the other hand, the standard PA6 offers only 79 MPa. Glass-filled nylon-6 offers the superior tensile strength.

PA6 GF30 plastic parts additionally provide superior stiffness performance. PA6 GF30 material has a 1.36 g/cm³ density, higher than ordinary PA6’s 1.14 g/cm³. As a result, PA6 GF30 is well-suited to applications requiring rigidity and stability.

Also, glass-filled nylon-6 material is harder than standard PA6 material. In general, PA6 GF30 offers hardness D86 along the fiber and D83 perpendicular to the fiber. However, PA6 offers less hardness, which is D79. As a result, PA6 GF30 is ideal for high-impact applications.

Finally, the glass-filled material provides a lower creep rate. The creep rate is generally how fast the material changes shape under constant pressure. Note that a material is more stable if its creep rate is low. Similar situations can be observed in PA6 GF30 material. Also, this nylon is great for high-load applications due to its superior stability over time.

PA gf30 molding parts

Thermal Properties of PA6 GF30

PA6 GF30 also offers outstanding thermal properties. One of its key advantages is having a lower thermal expansion rate. Glass-filled nylon-6 offers expansion from 23 to 65 per 10⁻⁶/K. Compared to PA6, it’s much lower than 12 to 13 per 10⁻⁵/K.

These values show that the PA6 GF30 material expands or contracts very little with temperature changes. Because of this, PA6 GF30 is reliable in many applications.

Another important feature is its higher stability when exposed to temperature changes. PA6 GF30 remains stable even in frequent temperature changes. However, PA6 can not offer this much stability. Therefore, PA6-GF30 is widely used in the automotive and industrial settings.

The PA6-GF30 part also offers high heat resistance. It generally works smoothly in temperatures ranging from -40 to 220 degrees (C), while PA only provides up to 150 degrees(C). Therefore, PA6-GF30 offers a higher temperature rating than conventional PA6 material. Because of this, glass-filled nylon-6 is ideal for engine components and electronic housings.

Moreover, you can also consider high static loads in high temperatures. A static load is a constant or unchanged load applied to a body. The PA6-GF30 parts can withstand high static loads even in high temperatures. These particular benefits make this material prevalent in aerospace and many industrial applications.

Mechanical Damping and Fatigue Strength

PA6 GF30 material is also excellent in both fatigue and mechanical damping. An excellent fatigue strength means the material can withstand repeated loads without failing. In many applications, the machine often faces cyclic stresses. In this case, a PA6 GF30 material could be an ideal choice.

Mechanical damping, however, refers to the efficiency with which your substance absorbs vibrations. This feature is appropriate for vibration-related applications. When the vibration occurs, the PA6-GF30 part releases energy and reduces noise and wear.

Now, consider combining these two features in one material. The PA6-GF30 part comes in handy for this.

Chemical Properties of PA6 GF30

As you know, the PA6-GF30 plastic material has 30% glass fiber. This combination improves many properties, including chemical properties. Because of the addition of glass fiber, the PA6-GF30 part becomes more chemical resistant.

In general, it can resist oils, greases, and solvents. However, it may not be suitable for strong acids and bases. Therefore, it is mostly resistant to petroleum-based chemicals. Because of this, this material is widely used in automotive and many industrial applications.

Another excellent property of PA6-GF30 is aging and wear resistance. This material maintains its performance over time, even in harsh environments. It doesn’t easily break down when exposed to UV light or moisture, contributing to the part’s lifespan.

Electrical Properties of PA6 GF30

Finally, introducing glass fibers enhances the electrical characteristics of PA6-GF30 plastic material. This material offers electrical insulation of 1E12 to 1E10 Ω, whereas PA6 only possesses 1E14 Ω. You can see that the standard PA6 material provides higher insulation than PA6-GF30.

Regarding dielectric strength, the PA6 material also offers a better result. PA6-GF30 plastic material provides strength from 5 to 12 kV/mm, while PA6 offers a higher value of only 32kV/mm. Although the value of glass-filled nylon-6 is lower, it still ensures higher insulation.

Other Advantages of PA6 GF30

A PA6-GF30 offers other benefits in addition to the above. The following three benefits are most important to your business interests.


PA6 GF30 offers a cost-efficient solution compared to metals. It maintains excellent mechanical performance while reducing material expenses. Because of this, glass-filled nylon-6 is a great choice for businesses that want to save money without lowering the quality of their products.

Lightweight Alternative to Metals

One great thing about PA6 GF30 is that it is very light. Even though it’s not as heavy as metal, it’s still very strong. This material is especially necessary for applications that require more fuel efficiency. Typical applications can be observed in the automation and aerospace industries.

Corrosion Resistance

Unlike metals, the PA6-GF30 part does not rust. As a result, this material can be a great alternative to metal. It offers a longer lifespan in corrosive settings. Because of this, you don’t have to necessarily replace parts frequently. This particular benefit is especially necessary for outdoor and chemical applications.

injection molding material



Limitations Of PA6 GF30 Material

Although PA6 GF30 plastic offers many benefits, it does have some limitations. One of the main drawbacks is its brittleness compared to pure PA6. The addition of 30% glass fiber makes it less flexible. Because of this, PA6-GF30 material is not suitable for applications involving bending. This reduced flexibility may cause cracking under heavy loads.

One more problem is that it tends to soak up water. The PA6-GF30 part can hold water, just like all polyamides. This water absorption can make polyamide weaker or less stiff. It could also change how long the product lasts in general. You can use special coatings to overcome these problems.

How Is PA6 GF30 Part Made?

PA6-GF30 plastic is a very tough and durable material. The addition of 30% glass fiber generally makes the material even stronger. Making this material requires several steps, each critical to ensuring its quality. This section will take you through the entire process, from material selection to the final product.

Despite knowing the whole process, learning about quality control is equally important. These formalities are carefully maintained in every factory. Renowned factories, like sincere tech, always use various tools to monitor material quality at every stage. Even after the production, they use various testing machines to guarantee the quality.

Step #1: Material Selection

The first step in creating a PA6-GF30 part is obtaining the appropriate raw materials. As the name says, polyamide 6 (PA6) is the major component. We already discussed this sort of nylon, which is prevalent for its strength, flexibility, and resilience.

The secondary material is glass fibers, which will be necessary to reinforce the nylon later. For the PA6-GF30 part, the glass fiber content makes up 30% of the total material weight. This balance generally offers the benefits we have mentioned in the previous section.

The whole process is critical in making the glass-filled nylon-6 material. Adding glass fibers requires the proper addition techniques to ensure the best quality product.

The factories first source high-quality PA6 granules and chopped glass fibers. This step is critical to ensuring that high-quality raw materials are used to guarantee the quality of the final products. Factories may also use other additives to improve the UV, flame, or heat resistance.

Step #2: Polymerization of PA6

Once raw materials are selected, they are sent to the polymerization chamber. Polymerization is a process that creates a polymer chain from monomers. Regarding PA6-GF30, the caprolactam monomers are polymerized to form long polyamide molecules.

A reactor heats the caprolactam so that the polymerization process can happen. Inside the reactor, it can get as hot as 250 degrees Celsius. The high temperature creates a chemical process that lets the monomers join together to form a long chain of PA6 polymers.

During this time, water and other residuals from the material are removed. It ensures the polymer is pure and has the desired properties. Next, the process cools the newly formed polyamide and creates small granules or pellets. Later, the process takes out these pellets to another chamber for the next step of production.

Step #3: Compounding the PA6 and Glass Fiber

Once the PA6 is polymerized, the process adds the glass fibers to the material. This adding process is generally called compounding. The newly formed polyamide is melted at 240 to 270 degrees Celsius in this step.

The process then mixes the chopped glass fibers into the molten PA6. It uses a twin-screw extruder to do this, which ensures that the glass fibers are evenly distributed throughout the polymer.

The compounding stage is one of the most critical stages. In this process, the materials generally gain higher strength and performance capabilities. Therefore, every factory must carefully control this process to avoid damaging the glass fibers.

Step #4: Cooling and Pelletizing

After the mixing step, the hot glass-filled nylon-6 needs to be cooled down. This process requires a room for cooling. Air or water cooling may be available, but people often prefer air-cooling systems. The molten nylon-6 with glass hardens when it cools down and makes pallets. That’s why this process is known as pelletizing.

The PA6-GF30 pellets are now ready for molding into parts. They are packed and stored or immediately sent to the next stage of the manufacturing process.

Step #5: Processing into Parts

The final step is to create the real PA6-GF30 component. Injection and extrusion are two prominent methods for producing various glass-filled nylon-6 products. The appropriate kind is often determined by the complexity of the part you wish to manufacture.

The injection molding procedure is often appropriate for complicated parts. During this step, the PA6 GF30 is melted and pressed into a mold, which forms the material into the desired shape. Once cooled, the item is released from the mold. Finally, following testing, the PA6-GF30 part is ready for use in the intended application.

The extrusion process, on the other hand, is ideal for producing simple parts. It produces lengthy profiles with equal cross-sectional area. In this scenario, an extrusion machine is utilized. The process begins with feeding the hopper. The machine then warms the feed PA6-GF30 pallets until they melt into liquid. Later, the molten glass-filled nylon-6 is pushed through a die. The PA6-GF30 part gets long and continuous parts. Later, you can cut them into the desired length.

Finally, the newly created PA6-GF30 part is sent for quality checks. That’s when the factories prepare the necessary certifications.

Application of PA6-GF30 Part

You are now familiar with the PA6 GF30 material and its manufacturing process. You are also now familiar with its wide range of benefits. Because of these benefits, this material is widely used in many industries.

The Polyamide market has been in high demand for the last ten years. According to various market research, this size is worth 8.3 billion USD. It is expected to grow at a CAGR rate of 6% and will turn 14.26 billion USD in 2031.

Automotive Industry

The car industry widely uses glass-filled materials to create various automotive parts. Some common parts include:

  • Engine Covers
  • Air Intake Manifolds
  • Pedal Boxes
  • Radiator End Tanks
  • Hood bonnet
  • Car wiper
  • Driving wheel
  • Bicycle handle

Electrical and Electronics

Also, in the electronic industry, the PA6-GF30 part is prevalent. Some common electrical parts include:

  • Cable Glands
  • Switch Housings
  • Circuit Breaker Components
  • Electrical Connectors
  • Power tool shell
  • Fan blade
  • Connector
  • Socket, fuse box, terminal chips, and many more.

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are also no exception. PA6-GF30 part strength, impact resistance, and heat tolerances greatly benefit these products.

  • Vacuum Cleaner Housings
  • Power Tool Casings
  • Washing Machine Parts

Industrial Equipment

In industrial applications, PA6-GF30 became a great alternative to metal parts. Some common parts include:

  • Pump Housings
  • Valve Bodies
  • Gear Wheels
  • Bearing Bushes

Aerospace Industry

The lightweight nature, durability, and strength of the PA6 GF30 material make it an ideal option in the aerospace industry.

  • Interior Panels
  • Bracket Supports
  • Cable Clamps

Medical Devices

You can also find its use in medical devices as well. Since PA6 GF30 material doesn’t rust, this material is ideal for use in medical devices. Some common components include:

  • Surgical Instrument Handles
  • Diagnostic Equipment Housings
  • Medical Device Casings

PA6 injection molding shopPA6 GF30 VS PA6.6-GF30: What’s the difference?


PA6 GF30 and PA6.6-GF30 palstic are nylon materials reinforced with 30% glass fiber. What makes them different is the use of varying nylon polymers. PA6 uses nylon 6, while PA6.6 uses nylon 6.6.

PA6-GF30 material is a popular type of nylon-6 material. You have already learned about this material in the previous few sections. It is strong, lightweight, and highly resistant to temperature.

PA6.6-GF30, on the other hand, offers better properties than PA6 GF30 material. Its melting point is higher, around 260 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it provides better heat resistance and mechanical strength at high heat.

PA6.6-GF30 material is also prevalent in automotive or electrical sections. It exhibits better wear resistance and lower moisture absorption, making it widely prevalent in extreme weather conditions.

What makes PA6 GF30 better than PA6.6-GF30 material is the cost. The production cost of PA6.6-GF30 is often higher. The complex manufacturing process usually increases the price. As a result, PA6-GF30 parts are commonly used in various applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Material Is PA6 GF30 Similar To?

Generally, PA6 GF30 provides similar properties as PA6 or Nylon 6 material. Although, PA6-GF30 material is the superior option than PA6. However, you may also find some similarities with polycarbonate and ABS plastic. These materials also practically show similar characteristics.

Is PA6 Stronger Than PA12?

Indeed, PA6 is stronger than PA12. Several reasons exist, but the most crucial are the high tensile strength and stiffness. However, PA12 is better for impact resistance and flexibility. So, the choice between these two Nylons depends on specific use. For example, if you need better structural support, go for PA6.

Does PA6 Absorb Water?

Yes, PA6 absorbs water. Although the absorption rate is different, both PA6 and PA6.6 do. PA6’s water absorption rate is 9%, while PA6.6’s is 7%.

Is PA6 Amorphous or Crystalline?

PA6 is a primarily semi-crystalline polymer with both crystalline and amorphous regions. However, the crystalline structure dominates the most. Because of this, this material provides excellent strength and a higher melting point.

Can PA6-GF30 Be Recycled?

Yes, PA6-GF30 can be recycled, although the process can be complex. Recycling generally involves grinding the material into pellets, which can then be reprocessed. Note that the presence of glass fiber may affect the quality of the recycled product.


PA6 GF30 is a nylon-6 material reinforced with 30% glass fibers. Adding glass typically improves strength, stiffness, and thermal properties. Compared to PA6, this glass-filled nylon-6 is a better option. Also, the PA6-GF30 part offers higher mechanical performance, making it an ideal choice for many applications.

Compared to PA6.6 GF30, PA6-GF30 is more cost-effective. However, if you are looking for better performance, it is wise to choose PA6.6-GF30 material. Note that both absorb moisture from 7% to 9%, although you can use coatings to avoid absorption.

PA6-GF30 material is widely used in cars, electrical equipment, and consumer goods. Popular products include hood bonnets, car wipers, driving wheels, connectors, sockets, and fuse.

If you need a custom plastic parts solution, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts is always happy to help.

TPE material

What is PPS Plastic?

Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is a high-performance thermoplastic with outstanding chemical resistance, which is soluble in almost no solvent at all temperatures up to 200 ° C. It has low moisture absorption and gives high mechanical strength and thermal stability and is hence suitable for precision machined parts. Go to high temperature plastic matreial page to know more related materials.

This material is semi-crystalline in nature and has a melting point of up to 225°F and thermal degradation of up to 425°F. It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion and has been stress-relieved during manufacturing thus making it ideal for parts that need close tolerances. In extreme conditions, PPS shows excellent performance and can be used as a cheaper substitute for PEEK at lower temperatures. Due to very low levels of ionic impurities, the material is suitable for applications requiring high purity.

You can go to PEEK injection molding page to know more about PEEK material.

Many different PPS grades are produced and they are available in glass-fiber reinforced, mineral, and internally lubricated variants. They can afford such advantages such as a low coefficient of friction, increased wear resistance, and high impact strength.

Introduction To PPs Plastic

Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is a high-performance thermoplastic which is known for its excellent chemical resistance, this material is resistant to all solvents at temperatures up to 392°F (200°C). The low moisture absorption rate coupled with mechanical strength and thermal stability makes it suitable for applications where precision engineering components are required.

Thermal Properties of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

PPS is very well known to have high thermal stability and it can work at high and low temperatures without changing its properties. The following specifications are derived from the tests conducted on Techtron® 1000 PPS which is an unfilled grade.

Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT)

The heat deflection temperature describes the amount of heat that a certain type of plastic can endure before it begins to give in to deformation under a certain weight. For PPS, this is at 115°C (250°F) when it is loaded with 1. 8 MPa (264 PSI) and according to ISO 75-1/2 and ASTM D648 standards.

Maximum Service Temperature

The continuous service temperature of PPS can reach up to 220 °C, the material can be used for a very long time, around 20,000 hours in air and its physical characteristics will not be affected.

PPS Plastic Melting Point

The glass transition temperature of PPS is found to be 280°C according to the I1357-1/-3 while it is 540°F according to the ASTM D3418 test standards.

Thermal Conductivity

Thermal conductivity is defined as how well the material in question will conduct heat. Thermal conductivity: As you can see PPS has better thermal conductivity than PEEK but less than PE and PTFE. At room temperature (23°C or 73°F), the thermal conductivity values for PPS are:

ISO: 0.3 W/(K·m)

ASTM: 2 BTU in. /(hr·ft²·°F)

Flammability and Fire Resistance

The flame resistance of PPS is reasonably good with a UL 94 V-0 rating and no additional fillers or additives are needed. It has an oxygen index of 44% according to the results of the tests conducted according to ISO 4589-1/2, which also speaks about the fire resistance of the material.

Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (CLTE)

The coefficient of linear thermal expansion or CLTE shows how much a material expands when the temperatures rise. PPS has a CLTE of less than 40 compared to most other engineering plastics such as PET and POM making it even more cost-effective than PEEK and PAI. This low expansion rate is beneficial for applications where close tolerance is required in moderate to high-temperature environments.

What is PPS plastic

Mechanical Properties of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

PPS is well known for its balance of low expansion coefficient and high mechanical strength and thus it is suitable for both load-bearing applications and for components that demand complex machining. The following specifications are based on the tests that were conducted on Techtron® 1000 PPS which is an unfilled grade.

Key Mechanical Properties

Property Value (ISO) Value (ASTM)
Density 1.35 g/cm³ (unfilled) 1.66 g/cm³ (40% glass-fiber reinforced)
Tensile Strength 102 MPa 13,500 PSI
Tensile Strain at Yield 12% 3.6%
Tensile Strain at Break 12% 20%
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity 4,000 MPa 500 KSI
Compressive Strength 21,500 PSI (ASTM D695)
Rockwell M Hardness 100 95
Rockwell R Hardness 125
Charpy Impact (Unnotched) No break
Charpy Impact (Notched) 2.0 kJ/m²
Izod Impact (Notched) 0.60 ft·lb/in
Flexural Strength 155 MPa 21,000 PSI
Flexural Modulus of Elasticity 575 KSI


Unfilled PPS has a density of about one. 35 g/cm³. If reinforced for instance with 40% of glass fibers, the density rises to about 1.66 g/cm³.

PPSU injection molding

PPSU injection molding

Tensile Strength

This tensile strength is much higher than other engineering plastics that are available in the similar price range of PPS. The tensile properties of Techtron® 1000 PPS consist of tensile strength of 102 MPa (13,500 PSI), yield strain of 12%, and break strain of 12%.

Compressive Strength

Another mechanical property that deserves mention is the compressive strength of PPS which is estimated to be about 21,500 PSI according to the ASTM D695 test.

Hardness and Impact Resistance

PPS demonstrates excellent hardness and impact resistance: PPS demonstrates excellent hardness and impact resistance:


Rockwell M Hardness: 100 (ISO), 95 (ASTM).

Rockwell R Hardness: 125, (ASTM)

Charpy Impact Strength: Unnotched samples do not have any cracks, whereas notched samples have a strength of about 2. 0 kJ/m².

Izod Impact (Notched): 0.60 ft·lb/in.

Flexural Properties

PPS polymer has a high strength and flexural modulus that can enable it to be used in structural applications. It has a flexural strength of 155 MPa (21,000 PSI) and a flexural modulus of 575 KSI, these are indicative of its stiffness and load-bearing capability.

It can be stated that PPS possesses rather high mechanical characteristics, which allows it to be used in those industries where high-strength and accurate parts are required.

Electrical Properties of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

Among all the polymer materials, polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is particularly suitable for high-voltage electrical insulation. Its semi-crystalline and non-polar molecular structure makes it have a very low electron mobility and therefore a high electrical resistivity which makes it a poor conductor of electricity.


The following electrical specifications are based on tests done on Techtron® 1000 PPS, an unfilled grade.

Table: Key Electrical Properties

Property Value
Dielectric Strength 18 kV/mm (IEC 60243-1)
540 V/mil (ASTM D149)
Surface Resistivity 10^12 Ohm/sq (ANSI/ESD STM 11.11)
Volume Resistivity 10^13 Ohm/cm (IEC 62631-2-1)

Dielectric Strength

Dielectric strength refers to the electric strength of a material when stressed. For unfilled PPS this value is approximately 18 kV/mm according to IEC 60243-1 or 540V per mil as per ASTM D149 standard. This property is of significance in assessing the competency of PPS as an electrical insulator.

Electrical Resistivity

Electrical resistivity on the other hand is the measure of the ability of a material to offer resistance to the flow of electric current. PPS has very low electrical conductivity thus its electrical resistivity is low compared to many other common engineering plastics and this makes it ideal for use in insulation services. Unfilled PPS has shown surface resistivity to be 10^12 Ohm/sq (ANSI/ESD STM 11. 11) and the volume resistivity of 10^13 Ohm/cm (IEC 62631-2-1).

Chemical Compatibility of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

One of the most important properties of PPS is its very good chemical resistance which ranks it among the most chemically resistant engineering thermoplasts on the market today especially when one considers its cost. It absorbs even less moisture which makes it even more tolerant in various difficult uses. PPS is an excellent choice for environments involving:

  • Strong Acids and Bases: It can also be exposed to some substances such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, and potassium hydroxide.
  • Organic Solvents: PPS exhibits acceptable solvents resistance to several organic solvents including alcohols, ketones, esters, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
  • Oxidizing Agents: It is possible to use this material with oxidizers for example hydrogen peroxide and chlorine.
  • Hydrocarbons: They can also be used with fuels, oils, and any type of lubrication that can be used in the automobile.


  • Halogens: It is good for applications that involve sterilization and disinfection like using bleach and cleaning in place/sterilizing in place.
  • Moisture and Humidity: Due to its low moisture absorption it is ideal for places with high humidity.

All in all, PPS material is ideal for use in applications that come into contact with a broad spectrum of chemicals and will offer long-lasting service in harsh environments.

Applications of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) is a high-performance thermoplastic material that has many special characteristics. Due to its relatively low cost and the ability to produce items from it, it is well-suited for several industries especially those involving high temperatures.

Here’s a breakdown of its primary applications:

Automotive Industry

PPS also finds its application in the automotive industry because of its capability to substitute metals and other materials in harsh application areas. It is particularly effective for components exposed to: It is particularly effective for components exposed to:

  • High Temperatures: Best suited for use in areas where it is difficult to install fixed equipment such as under the car hood.
  • Automotive Fluids: Not easily corroded by different types of fluids.
  • Mechanical Stress: It offers much-needed endurance during stressful moments.

Key automotive applications include:

  • Fuel injection systems
  • Coolant systems
  • Water pump impellers
  • Thermostat housings
  • Electric brake components
  • Switches and bulb casings

In some cases, where interior or exterior trim parts are concerned, PPS is not frequently used; however, it is highly suitable for functional automotive applications.

Electrical and Electronics

PPS is a preferred material in the electrical and electronics (E&E) sector due to its:

  • High Thermal Resistance: Best used in parts that are exposed to heat.
  • Excellent Toughness and Dimensional Stability: Guarantees dependability in accuracy-sensitive applications.
  • Low Shrinkage: Enables better shaping of complex connectors and sockets in the right manner.

PPS is also known for the UL94 V-0 flammability rating without the use of further flame retardants. It is commonly used in:

  • Connectors and sockets
  • Bobbins for electrical coils
  • Electronic housings
  • Hard disk drive components
  • Switches and relays

The transition to PPS in E&E applications is therefore necessitated by the fact that there is a need to substitute polymers that are less resistant to low temperatures.

Home Appliances

Because of its minimal shrinkage and swelling, and non-corrosive and non-hydrolyzing properties on exposure to heat, PPS is used in different home appliances. Common applications include:

  • Heating and air conditioning components
  • Frying panhandles
  • Hair dryer grills
  • Steam iron valves
  • Toaster switches
  • Microwave oven turntables

Industrial Uses

The tendency is observed for PPS to replace metals and thermosetting plastics in the fields of mechanical engineering where chemically aggressive environments are present. Its properties make it ideal for:

Applications are not normally considered standard reinforced injection molding, but rather more heavily industrialized.

Fiber Extrusion Processes and Nonstick Coatings.

  • Pressure-formed components for equipment and fine mechanics, including pump, valve, and pipe.
  • Centrifugal pump components that are used in oil fields as well as the rod guides for the same.
  • Such elements of equipment as HVAC systems, compressor components, blower housings, and thermostat parts.

Medical and Healthcare

In the medical industry, PPS with glass reinforcement is utilized for the construction of surgical tools and other elements of equipment that have to be both strong and refractory to high temperatures. Moreover, PPS fibers find their use in medical membranes and other uses as well.

Diverse Material Options

PPS is obtainable in various forms including filled with glass, filled with minerals, and internally lubricated. These options may include such benefits as reduced friction, enhanced wear resistance, and increased impact strength.

Types of PPS Based on Synthesis Methods

Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) can be classified into three primary types based on its synthesis process. Each type offers distinct characteristics and benefits, making them suitable for various applications.

Overview of PPS Types

PPS Type Description
Linear PPS This version features a molecular weight that is nearly double that of standard PPS. It offers enhanced tenacity, elongation, and impact strength due to its longer molecular chains.
Cured PPS Produced by heating regular PPS in the presence of oxygen (O2). This curing process extends the molecular chains and creates some branching, resulting in higher molecular weight and thermoset-like properties.
Branched PPS This type has a greater molecular weight compared to regular PPS. Its molecular structure includes branched chains, which improve mechanical properties, tenacity, and ductility.

Detailed Characteristics

  • Linear PPS: Linear PPS has high mechanical strength and therefore it is used where tensile strength and flexibility of the product is desired. It also solidifies rapidly when exposed to heat above the glass transition temperature which is about 85 0 C and is therefore useful in various processes of production.
  • Cured PPS: The curing process also induces an increase in molecular weight of the thermoset material and its properties hence making it ideal for high temperature use. These changes are beneficial in that they provide increased strength and stability of the structures, which is especially important under conditions of high stress.
  • Branched PPS: The branched PPS has a branching structure which is useful to provide high toughness and impact resistance for the application. Because of its higher ductility, it is suitable for parts that may be subjected to dynamic loads or impact.

From the understanding of these types of PPS, a manufacturer will be in a position to select the appropriate type of material for his application to improve performance and longevity.

Improving PPS plastic Material Properties with Additives

PPS is available in different types and because of its inherent chemical resistance, it is possible to compound with various additives to improve its properties. These improve the mechanical properties, thermal characteristics, and other relevant characteristics.

PPS is typically modified using fillers and fibers or copolymerized with other thermoplastics to enhance its properties. Popular reinforcements include:

  • Glass Fiber
  • Carbon Fiber
  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)

Several grades of PPS are offered, including:

  • Unfilled Natural
  • 30% Glass-Filled
  • 40% Glass-Filled
  • Mineral-Filled
  • Glass-Mineral-Filled
  • Conductive and Anti-Static Variants
  • Internally Lubricated Bearing Grades

Among these, PPS-GF40 and PPS-GF MD 65 have emerged as the market standard as they perform, thus they occupy a considerable market share.

Comparing Properties between Different Grades of PPS

The following table summarizes the typical properties of unfilled and filled grades of PPS:

Property Comparison of PPS Grades

The following table summarizes the typical properties of unfilled and filled grades of PPS:

Property (Unit) Test Method Unfilled Glass Reinforced Glass-Mineral Filled
Filler Content (%) 40 65
Density (kg/l) ISO 1183 1.35 1.66 1.90 – 2.05
Tensile Strength (MPa) ISO 527 65 – 85 190 110 – 130
Elongation at Break (%) ISO 527 6 – 8 1.9 1.0 – 1.3
Flexural Modulus (MPa) ISO 178 3800 14000 16000 – 19000
Flexural Strength (MPa) ISO 178 100 – 130 290 180 – 220
Izod Notched Impact Strength (kJ/m²) ISO 180/1A 11 5 – 6
HDT/A @ 1.8 MPa (°C) ISO 75 110 270 270

Processing Techniques for Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS)

PPS resins are employed in various processes such as blow molding, injection molding, and extrusion and normally at a temperature of 300-350 ℃. However, due to the high melting point, it is not very easy to process especially filled grades where there are chances of overheating the equipment.

Pre-Drying Requirements

The molding process is critical in transforming the shape of the molded products and preventing drooling. It is recommended to dry PPS at: It is recommended to dry PPS at:

  • At 150-160°C for 2-3 hours or at 170-180°C for 1-2 hours or at 200-220°C for 30 min-1 hr.
  • 120°C for 5 hours

This step is especially crucial for carbon fiber-filled grades as they are known to swell and absorb moisture that is inimical to the final product.

Injection Molding Parameters

It’s important to point out that PPS can be processed using injection molding. To improve the productivity of the molding process, the mold temperature should be at 50 degrees Celsius while the post-crystallization temperature should be at 200 degrees Celsius. However, this method cannot be applied to the application where a high value of dimensional stability is required. Since PPS has low viscosity to fill, there is a need to focus on mold closure.

Typical parameters include:

  • Cylinder Temperature: 300-320°C
  • Mold Temperature: 120-160°C to enable the fabric to crystallize in its proper manner and not to warp.
  • Injection Pressure: 40-70 MPa
  • Screw Speed: 40-100 RPM

Extrusion Process

PPS also can be extruded and this process is applied in the production of fibers, monofilaments, tubes, rods, and slabs. Recommended processing conditions include:

  • Drying Temperature: 121 °C for 3 h
  • Mold Temperature: 300-310°C
  • Melt Temperature: 290-325°C

Sustainability of PPS

However when PPS is sourced responsibly and when manufacturing it then it is considered to be one among the sustainable polymers. Its sustainability hinges on the following factors: On this basis, its sustainability depends on the following factors:

Raw Material Sourcing:

Selecting renewable materials in the manufacture of PPS can also help in decreasing greenhouse gas emissions as well as improve efficiency.


PPS does not wear out in heat and chemicals and therefore, it lasts longer since it does not wear out most of the time, replacement is rare.

Is ABS Plastic Safe


Recycling Options: Polyphenylene sulfide is recyclable in the following ways:

  • Mechanical Recycling: Processes such as milling or chopping.
  • Chemical Recycling: Such steps like depolymerization or other similar steps are taken.

While the melting point of PPS is high and is chemically inert creating a hurdle in recycling, there has been a constant development in the recycling industry for post-consumer plastics that have invested in facilities for recycling PPS and other similar thermosetting polymers which means it supports a circular economy.

Lightweight Features

The most typical or favored use of PPS is in replacement of metals as it is lightweight and serves as a non-corrosive to salts and automotive fluids. It can assemble several segments of high complexity correctly to accommodate several functions.

Certifications and Safety Considerations

PPS products that are made out of materials that have been recycled and/or produced from biomass and which are ISCC+ certified are deemed sustainable. They are not very hazardous to human beings and the environment but precaution should be exercised to minimize the risks associated with them.

Benefits of Injection Molding with PPS

The use of injection molding with polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) has many advantages so it is preferred for manufacturing high-performance parts.

Superior Mechanical Strength

PPS has several excellent characteristics as a material in terms of its mechanical properties including tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact strength. These characteristics enable PPS components to afford severe conditions where material strength is of paramount importance.

Outstanding Thermal Stability

One of the key characteristics of PPS is its heat resistance: this plastic does not disintegrate, lose its strength and elasticity, or warp if it is exposed to high temperatures for a long period. Due to its thermal stability, it is well fitted for use in areas where there is production of heat.

Excellent Chemical Resistance

PPS appears to be highly immune to several chemicals including acids, bases, solvents, and hydrocarbons. This property makes it suitable for use in difficult chemical applications.

Consistent Dimensional Stability

PPS parts can also not be affected by changes in shape and size by changes in temperature and therefore can be suitable for use in applications that require tight tolerances.

Lightweight Composition

PPS has a relatively lower density than metals and at the same time has good mechanical strength and therefore is more suitable for applications where weight is a compromising factor.

Drawbacks of PPS Plastic Injection Molding

However, it is important to take into account the following limitations of PPS in the injection molding process. These factors have to be assessed to better understand whether they are suitable for your particular use.

Higher Cost

PPS resins are comparatively expensive compared to many other thermoplastics and this is a factor that may make the overall cost of using PPS high in large-scale production or on projects that are sensitive to cost.

Abrasive Qualities

The high extent of filler incorporation that is utilized to improve the mechanical characteristics of PPS affects the wear of injection molding equipment. This can in turn cause wear and tear on screws, barrels, and molds before their useful life is due.

Limited Color Choices

Properly prepared PPS is generally in black or dark brown thus limiting the possibilities of bright or lighter shades in finished products.

Inherent Brittleness

Although PPS may be somewhat brittle, this is not an enormously huge problem and can be balanced with the help of fibers and reinforcements. However, these additives may also change the properties of the material which will affect the strength, the surface finish, the dimensional stability and the cost of the product.


In conclusion, it can be noted that injection molding with PPS offers several benefits, especially when it comes to high-performance parts with high mechanical load, heat, and chemical resistance. However, one has to take into account the higher cost and some of the inherent limitations of the approach depending on the specifics of the projects. Thus, by comparing these factors, manufacturers can make correct decisions about the utilization of inS in their applications, for maximum performance and cost.


Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) is an outstanding material, which comprises the advantages of rubber and plastic. It also has the properties of rubber and the ease of processing of plastics. TPR is a member of a group known as thermoplastic elastomers and is applied extensively in various industries. The public likes TPR for the flexibility and strength that it offers. It can also be made through processes such as injection molding and extrusion. This versatility has led to the necessity of TPR across all sectors from automotive to consumer products, which has shaped the design and use of the products.

What is TPR Material? A Brief Overview

Thermoplastic rubber or TPR material is a synthetic rubber characterized by rubber-like strength and elasticity and plastic-like moldability. It is often a mixture of various copolymers where the copolymer can be plastic as well as rubber category. TPR is characterized by the presence of both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. Another characteristic of TPR is that it softens and can be easily reformed when heated without undergoing chemical transformation. This quality is important in production processes such as injection and blow molding.

TPR is intended to be highly elastic and flexible. It does not deteriorate even when stretched or relaxed severally and can easily regain/retain its original form. TPR has rubber-like elasticity as well as easy processing ability making TPR compatible with most of the plastic processing equipment. TPR does not need special conditions that are characteristic of traditional rubber processing. It is versatile and is suitable to be used in many different settings since it is robust. Such examples include automotive parts and shoe soles where there is a need for toughness and performance.

what is tpr material

Manufacturing Process of TPR Material?

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) can therefore be defined as an elastomer that possesses characteristics of both plastics and rubber. The main process of its creation is called thermoplastic vulcanization or TPV, which implies the mixture of two kinds of polymers. The first component is often an elastomer which can be natural rubber, styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), nitrile rubber (NBR), polychloroprene (CR), or chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM). These elastomers give TPR its rubber-like characteristic which makes TPR to be flexible as well as strong.

The second component in the manufacturing process is also a thermoplastic copolymer which can be EVA or polypropylene. This copolymer makes it easier for the TPR to be formed and shaped during its production process thus increasing its versatility in many applications. The manufacturing process involves combining these two polymers through a process referred to as extrusion whereby the polymers are heated until they melt and then further combined into a single material. After blending, the mixture is then cooled to the required temperature and then molded into specific shapes required for use in specific projects.

The process of synthesizing TPR requires the use of living anionic polymerization to develop long chains of monomers which are significant in the formation of styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS). This process begins with the choice of two monomers which are butadiene and styrene, which are placed in a reaction vessel together with an initiator that triggers the catalyst required for polymerization. The catalyst helps to form long, linear chains of styrene and butadiene in which styrene and butadiene are linked linearly. This chain formation proceeds until the required molecular weight for the material required for the next process is achieved.

Once the polymer has been synthesized to the required molecular weight, the reaction components are separated by using extraction methods such as steam distillation or filtration. The product that is produced from this process is SBS which is a synthetic rubber that can be processed as TPR. This material has good properties such as flexibility, hardness, abrasion resistance, and durability which make this material suitable for gasketing, sealing, and insulation purposes.

TPR is generally produced from plastic pellets which are subjected to various melt processing methods. These methods include injection molding, extrusion and blow molding. Injection molding is a process of injecting molten plastic material at a high pressure into a mold which is in turn cooled to produce a solid object of the required shape. This technique is especially suited for the rapid creation of complex parts thus enabling the creation of more complex structures.

Extrusion, on the other hand, is used to pass the melted plastic through a die to produce continuous shapes before it solidifies and it is ideal for the production of long profiles. Blow molding involves the use of heated parisons which are placed in a mold and inflated to form hollow articles such as bottles. Even though this method may take longer because of the need to use more than one mold, it is less energy-consuming.

In general, all the melt-processing techniques have their advantages for a particular application. Melt processing techniques are essential in developing TPR products that would meet the customers’ demands and expectations, which can enable the manufacturers to produce versatile and durable materials that can be used for various applications. Through proper choice of the manufacturing process, one can be able to achieve the right quality and performance of the TPR products.

TPR moldign material

Does Thermoplastic Rubber Contain Latex?

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR) is an elastomeric material synthesized from a combination of polymers with rubber-like characteristics. More importantly, TPR is free from latex and therefore, it is suitable for use by patients with latex allergy or intolerance. TPR is entirely synthetic material while latex is produced from the sap of rubber trees.

While selecting craft items or any product for that matter, one has to be very careful with items that are labeled as containing latex or those that are hypoallergenic. Therefore, one needs to always read the specifications of the product to confirm that it is thermoplastic rubber and not the other types of rubber that have traces of latex. In case of uncertainty, one can always contact the manufacturer of the product in a bid to seek clarification.

Is Thermoplastic Rubber Water-repellent?

Thermoplastic rubber is known to be very hard-wearing, flexible, and is also waterproof. This makes it ideal for use in the manufacture of shoes and other wear as well as products that would be used outdoors. TPR has a water resistance feature which makes it possible for products made from this material to resist water without getting affected negatively.

Most shoemakers use TPR in their production to ensure that customers get shoes that are comfortable to wear, light in weight, and at the same time waterproof. Moreover, TPR is much cheaper than other synthetic materials such as neoprene and, at the same time, has a relatively low environmental impact since TPR is recyclable and contains no toxic substances.

In general, TPR plastic material can be considered a stable and efficient solution for buyers who want to get high-quality products that function well in rainy weather.

Basic Properties of TPR

Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) is characterized by a very good combination of elasticity and mechanical strength. It is versatile and can be used in many ways and remains strong even under pressure. The following table shows the physical properties of TPR indicating its flexibility as a material.

Property Description
Flexibility TPR remains highly flexible, important for deformable uses.
Durometer Range Offers a wide range of hardness levels for different needs.
Resilience Excellent at returning to its original shape after stretching.
Slip and Tear Resistance Highly resistant to tears and slips, perfect for high-wear areas like shoes.

Chemical Properties  

Because of its chemical composition, TPR is durable in different settings; the product’s functionality and appearance remain unaffected. The major chemical characteristics are explained below.

Property Description
Chemical Resistance Resists common acids, alkalis, and cleaning agents.
UV and Weather Resistance High resistance to UV rays and harsh weather.
Stability Maintains its structure and appearance over time.

TPR vs. TPE: Difference In Properties

While TPR is more of a rubber-like material that is mostly used in shoe soles and other such applications, Thermoplastic Elastomers or TPEs are highly flexible and have more common uses than TPR. TPR is produced for better performance in these conditions which is why it is more appropriate for industrial applications. you can go to is TPE safe page,  TPE vs TPU, and TPE injection molding page to know more about TPE matreials,

Properties Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) Plasticized PVC (PVC-P) (Flexible) Unplasticized PVC (PVC-U) (Rigid)
Tensile Strength (MPa) 2.5 9.65 16.6
Melting Temperature Range (°C) 140–185 190 177
Impact Strength (Izod Notched) (J/cm) 4.45 6.62
Hardness (Shore A & D) 40 A 75 A 68.3 D
Modulus of Elasticity (GPa) 2.4 2.16
Elongation at Break (%) 550 328 312
Tear Resistance (N/mm) 15 53.7 33.6
Dielectric Strength (kV/mm) 58.9 14–20

TPR is applied in applications that require high performance most especially in applications that are exposed to weather and chemicals. On the other hand, TPE is used on products that are targeted at enhancing the comfort of the end user.

Applications of TPR Materials

Thermoplastic rubber or TPR plastic material is a mult-functional material with performance and physical characteristics that make it to be fit for several applications in the design and manufacturing industries. TPR has flexibility, strength, and excellent resistance to a range of temperatures and this gives it an added advantage over most traditional materials.

Another benefit of TPR is that it is not affected by oils, greases, and solvents making it versatile to use in various industries. Also, its versatility makes it possible for manufacturers to create products in particular shapes and styles that will suit certain consumer requirements.

In addition, TPR is weightless but has a very good vibration isolation property. TPR used in the production of certain products not only increases their durability but also their resistance to rising environmental conditions.

Given its exceptional impact resistance and thermal stability, TPR is utilized in various everyday products, including:

Consumer Electronics: TPR is utilized for the outer casings of domestic appliances such as television sets, refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens.

Mechanical Components: Rollers and grommets are some of the parts that can be produced from this material and are widely used in many machinery industries.

Household Items: TPR is used in the manufacturing of products that are easily recognizable such as plastic utensils and cups, buckets, and even towels.

Medical Equipment: TPR applies to a wide range of medical devices such as sterilization units, IV stands as well as hospital beds.

The Effective Use of TPR Material

For TPR to benefit an organization to the fullest, it’s significant to learn of the various uses of TPR. TPR is most useful for projects that need to be sustained and adapted and to be able to withstand changes that occur over time.

Molding: TPR specializes in the creation of molds for different products, including car parts, toys, and medical instruments. Due to its application in injection molding, it is possible to produce complex shapes and minute features.

Gaskets: TPR in particular can be employed to develop gaskets for HVAC systems as well as for electronic casings. Its abrasion resistance provides it with the ability to seal against the entry of air, water, or any fluid.

Seals: This material is appropriate for the production of seals in pumps and valves due to its chemical resistance as well as its ability to perform well in high pressure.

Insulation: TPR is used as an electrical and electronic part insulator, and is thus optimal for operation at high temperatures.

Footwear Production: It is also used in the making of shoes, boots, and sandals as it offers durability and flexibility in footwear while at the same time offering comfort and durability.

Measures to Be Undertaken When Using TPR To Control for Risk

When working with thermoplastic rubber (TPR) some measures of precaution need to be taken to prevent accidents from happening. Here are some essential guidelines:

Protective Gear: When handling TPR ensure that you wear gloves as well as safety goggles in order not to have skin and eye contact with TPR.

Avoid Direct Contact: Avoid any contact of TPR with skin, eyes, or clothing since it may result in skin rash or skin allergy.

Heat Precautions: It is also important not to expose TPR materials to heat or flames of any kind to avoid cases of melting or burning.

Fume Safety: Avoid inhaling any vapors that may be produced when working on TPR; ensure that the workplace has an adequate supply of fresh air.

Tool Maintenance: Ensure that all the tools that are employed in cutting, shaping, or drilling TPR are well sharpened and well earthing to avoid instances whereby an accident may occur.

Spill Management: As mentioned TPR is slippery so any that has been spilled should be cleaned as soon as possible because of the danger of people falling.

Proper Disposal: Thus, the company should follow the local regulations to ensure that it employs environmentally friendly methods of disposing of TPR waste.

Storage Conditions: To ensure the authenticity of TPR, store TPR in a cool, dry area so that it cannot be easily affected by heat and fire.

TPR vs. Traditional Rubber: Key Differences

When comparing thermoplastic rubber (TPR) with traditional rubber, several important distinctions emerge::

Processing: TPR material does not require vulcanization and is easy to process by various techniques such as injection molding and extrusion. Conventional rubber on the other hand which comprises natural and synthetic rubber takes several steps and processes to gain the required properties.

Elasticity and Flexibility: When comparing TPR and traditional rubber they both have a good degree of elasticity. However, TPR offers a controlled extension of 300-800% and hardness of 20 Shore A to 80 Shore D for the conventional rubber properties.

Durability and Performance: However, the tensile strength is higher than 15 MPa compared with traditional rubber, and thus the material is more suitable for the application. TPR typically has a tensile strength in a range of 5-15 MPa.

Thermal Stability: Unlike the normal rubber that has a vulcanized structure and therefore is more heat resistant TPR can still be used between -40°C and 135°C which is adequate for normal use but not as good as specially developed rubbers.

Abrasion and Chemical Resistance: They are both abrasion-resistant but conventional rubber has superior chemical resistance, especially in extreme situations. TPR is quite immune to oils and solvents so it is quite suitable for normal operations.

Environmental Impact: TPR is reusable as it can be recycled severally without any loss of functionality of the product. Vulcanized rubber is more challenging to recycle as compared to normal rubber.

Overall, TPR has the advantages of flexibility, ease of process, and recyclability which makes it suitable to be used in many ways. Conventional rubber provides good resistance and can be used with high friction although has high processing costs and is not recyclable. This all depends on the particular application that is needed in this case.

what is ABS material

TPR vs. Silicone: Key Differences

As a thermoplastic elastomer, TPR is different from silicone in terms of composition and performance characteristics. TPR is well known for its high elasticity, abrasion resistance, and comparatively easy to process; silicone, on the other hand, has high heat resistance and flexibility. While both TPR and Silicon are biodegradable and non-toxic, TPR has a much better recycling feature in some specific uses. Such differences make them suitable for diverse applications within sectors including consumer products, automobiles, and the medical sector.

If you want to know more about silicone material, please go to TPE vs silicone, is silicone safe, and Silicone injection molding page to know more.

Differences Between TPR and Silicone

Property TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber) Silicone
Hardness Range 0A to 70D Typically softer, around 20A to 80A
Processing Ease Easy to process with thermoplastic methods More complex and difficult to mold
Recyclability Easily recyclable and eco-friendly Not recyclable
Temperature Resistance -40°C to +135°C -60°C to +250°C
Applications Used in toys, shoe materials, and gaskets Common in cookware, medical devices, and seals
Surface Finish Typically glossy with a bright appearance Can be smooth or textured

TPR vs. PVC: Key Distinctions

PVC is a material that is derived from crude oil and this is a non-renewable material that negatively affects the environment while TPR is also derived from crude oil. Although PVC can be recycled seven or eight times, it is established that a significant number of PVC products become a source of pollution for landfills and oceans due to low indicators of recycling in the field of plastic production.

TPR is, in fact, a thermoplastic, and in theory, it can be recycled. However, recycling of TPR is not done very often as recycling materials that are used sparingly is not commercially viable. On the other hand, there is a wide list of plastics that are more frequently used and recycled like polyethylene and this makes TPR occupy the position of fewer practical applications of recycling.

TPR vs. PVC: Cost Consideration.

As for the cost factor, TPR is relatively more expensive than PVC but this depends on the quantities manufactured. Using the data it can be estimated that the annual production of the company is approximately 44.3 million metric tons, PVC is considered one of the cheapest plastic materials costs about $1,389 per ton. On the other hand, TPR may cost as little as $1,470/metric ton up to $2,250/metric ton because TPR is much more a specialty chemical with much lower production rates.

Conclusion: Benefits Outweigh Challenges

It is well understood that TPR-based materials have been used for numerous applications in different fields and it is economical. In this context, it is possible to state that TPR is likely to remain a realistic option as technologies and material science evolve further.

In the future, TPR is expected to remain relevant in such product categories as kitchenware, automobile components, and medical devices. Further research may result in new formulations of TPR that improve strength, durability, and cost-effectiveness, which should make them even more appealing to manufacturers.

Besides the enhanced formulations, the advancements in the production processes may lead to increased rates of producing TPR materials. This would not only cut costs but also bring down the delivery time for the customers hence an improvement in their satisfaction levels.

Further, as technology advances, new and creative uses of TPR may come up in the future. For instance, TPR may be applied to 3D printing or be used as a lightweight substitute for metals in industrial equipment. Looking at the future of TPR materials, flexibility and economy are expected to be the key developments in a broad range of industrial applications.

ABS injection molding material

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is a copolymer composed of three different monomers:, – Acrylonitrile; – Butadiene; and – Styrene. Well-established for its good impact strength, dimensional stability in processing, and fantastic wearing resistance. ABS is used in autos and truck parts and modules, home appliances, toys, and 3D printing. The ABS is technically synthesized from three monomers; acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene rendering it highly strengthened, rigid, and heat resistant than other thermoplastics. So, it is ideal for all general use as well as industrial products. In this article, you will learn what this ABS is and how exactly is it created. So, let’s get some additional information about the properties, manufacturing process, and uses of ABS plastic.

What is ABS Material?

ABS is a Thermoplastic alkyloidal polymer with formula (C3H3NO) – based on acrylonitrile, butadiene, styrene &. This material is highly valued for its high impact strength and its aptitude. So, it can resist a large number of temperatures. ABS is a blend of the rigidity of acrylonitrile, toughness of butadiene, and processability of styrene so it has a variety of uses for every product.

What is ABS Made Of

ABS is made from three monomers:

  • Acrylonitrile: It offers chemical resistance and Heat Stability Both chemicals and heat resistance. These are essential features as the product is used in industries with high temperatures and chemical exposure.
  • Butadiene: Helps to provide strength and shock strength.
  • Styrene: Increases the stiffness and smoothness and increases the flow ability.

These two characteristics combine to produce a well-balanced plastic material. So, it can have various applications for different uses according to the ratio of monomers involved.

what is ABS material

What are the Properties of ABS?

ABS possesses several notable properties that make it a preferred material in numerous industries;

  1. High impact resistance: Because of the butadiene component, the product is capable of absorbing energy. Thus, it can resist shocks without cracking or breaking.
  2. Rigidity: Styrene offers the ABS structural strength required for additional application adhesion.
  3. Thermal stability: It is relatively insensitive to temperature effects and stays constant over a pretty large range of temperatures.
  4. Chemical resistance: Such properties impact resistance Chemical and oil resistance Acrylonitrile contributes to ABS in this way.
  5. Good electrical insulation: ABS is a very good insulator; therefore, it can be used for electrical appliances.

The following table will help you describe the properties of ABS material

Property Typical Values
Density 1.03 – 1.12 g/cm³
Tensile Strength 20 – 40 MPa
Tensile Modulus 1,500 – 3,000 MPa
Impact Strength (Notched Izod) 80 – 130 kJ/m²
Flexural Strength 60 – 100 MPa
Flexural Modulus 2,000 – 3,500 MPa
Heat Deflection Temperature 85 – 105 °C
Vicat Softening Point 95 – 105 °C
Flammability UL94 HB or V-2
Water Absorption 0.2 – 0.5 % (by weight)
Surface Hardness (Rockwell) M60 – R118

What Consequences Follow When ABS Blends with Thermoplastic?

ABS can improve its properties by blending with other thermoplastics commonly polycarbonate (PC) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). For example:

  1. The material with PC enhances the heat resistance and strength of ABS. So, it works in accord with the plasticity and flexibility of a polycarbonate (PC). Please go to PC vs ABS Plastic and polycarbonate injection molding page to know more about PC material,
  2. When it is combined with PVC, it has better chemical resistance as well as flame resistance.

These blends are employed where specific modifications in properties of the polymer are desired to meet high-performance criteria.

ABS PLA material

How do Additives Improve the Properties of ABS Material?

Additives such as stabilizers, plasticizers, and colorants can be added to ABS to improve or modify its properties;

  1. Stabilizers: Improve the heat and UV stability of ABS.
  2. Plasticizers: Strengthen the element of flexibility and softness in your clothing.
  3. Colorants: Permit modification of the look of ABS without having an impact on the functionality of the car.

Other additives for example flame retardants also enhance the fire resistance of the products made from ABS.

Is ABS Toxic?

European Union’s stand on ACS is that it is non-toxic and thus suitable for use in consumable products. There are no toxic compounds such as phthalates, bisphenol-A (BPA), etc in it and it neither emits a foul smell. But when it is undergoing the process of manufacturing or when exposed to high heat/ flames (burning), the ABS derivative puts off toxic fumes. This helps prevent exposure to the chemicals during the processing and disposal of these products.

Step-by-Step Manufacturing Process of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)

Here is the complete process of manufacturing of ABS Material;

1. Preparation of Raw Materials

The three monomers, i.e. acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene are synthesized individually with the required ratio. Each monomer contributes unique properties to the final ABS polymer. Here, styrene gives rigidity and ease of processing acrylonitrile contributes to heat and chemical resistance and butadiene contributes to impact strength.

2. Polymerization Process

ABS is created using two main polymerization methods, such as;

A. Emulsion Polymerization

In emulsion polymerization, the monomers are rather insoluble in water and are thus dispersed with the help of surfactants. Butadiene creates initially the formation of rubber particles, and then acrylonitrile and styrene polymerize and surround the rubber particles to form an interlocking structure of a polymer matrix. This method enables the control of the final polymer structure and its properties to a larger extent.

ABS machining material

B. Mass (Bulk) Polymerization

In mass polymerization, there is no use of water in the mixing of monomers. Catalysts lead to the polymerization process and the commercial process occurs in very large reactor vessels. This is followed by melting and extruding the polymer, cooling, and then pelletizing. This process is also quicker and more efficient in large-scale production than batch processing.

3. Addition of Stabilizers and Additives

Stabilizers and additives are mostly added to the food. So, they help retain certain properties of the food like color and texture. After polymerization is done some other ingredients which include UV stabilizers, pigments, and plasticizers are added to the ABS. Such additives serve to improve the properties of the material, including strengthening resistance against weather conditions, and color or to increase flexibility.

4. Cooling and Pelletizing

Then the polymer melt is extruded through a die and comes out in the form of long strands. These strands are then cooled with water or air to set the polymer into a solid material. After this process is complete the strand is reduced to small, equal-sized pellets after it cools down. These are ABS pellets which are easy to transport and are used as basic material to be used in product manufacturing.

5. Final Processing

These ABS pellets have various applications in many manufacturing processes, i.e. injection molding, extrusion and blow molding. It involves the abs injection molding of products such as automotive parts, electronics casings, and abs molding toys among others through the process of melting the pellets and then injecting them into molds. Extrusion blow molding is applied to products like pipes and bottles and the other one is injection blow molding which is applied to products like toys and containers. All the above techniques maximize the use of ABS’s properties to develop strong and quality finished products.

ABS materials

Is ABS Recyclable?

Yes, ABS is recyclable. It does not degrade in properties much when it has been reprocessed and reused. Recycling of the ABS procedure involves the breaking of the material into pellets so that they can be remelted into required products. However, recycling of ABS is not so much as compared to other plastics like PET or HDPE because of some reasons such as contamination and sorting.

Commercially Available ABS Grades

The following table gives a deep understanding of the different ABS grades available in the market.

ABS Grade Type Key Properties Typical Applications
General Purpose ABS Good impact resistance, moderate heat resistance Consumer products, household appliances
High Impact ABS Enhanced toughness and impact strength Automotive components, industrial parts
High Heat ABS Higher heat deflection temperature Automotive dashboards, electrical enclosures
Plating Grade ABS Suitable for electroplating and high surface quality Automotive trim, decorative products
Flame Retardant ABS Contains flame retardant additives Electrical housings, appliances, electronics
Extrusion Grade ABS Good melt strength for extrusion processes Pipes, profiles, sheets
Transparent ABS Clear or tinted, good impact strength Lenses, medical devices, cosmetic packaging

ABS printing material

Advantages of ABS Material

Here are some advantages of ABS material;

  1. High impact resistance: Used best for protection purposes.
  2. Durable: Very hard and brittle thus is used where stiffness is required such as in structural members.
  3. Easily machinable: These can be easily molded, drilled as well as shaped.
  4. Cost-effective: Is more cost-effective as compared to other engineered plastics.
  5. Wide temperature range: Good high-temperature performance coupled with satisfactory low-temperature performance.

Disadvantages of ABS Material

Besides several advantages, ABS also offers some challenges. These may include;

  1. Poor weather resistance: Sufficiently fragile to their light sensitivity they degrade under ultraviolet exposure.
  2. Low chemical resistance: They can resist only weak acids or solvents.
  3. Limited heat resistance: This is an important consideration when using ABS products because the higher temperatures can cause deformation of the products.
  4. Non-biodegradable: ABS is one of the materials that cause the accumulation of plastic waste in the landfill.
  5. Harmful fumes emission: It should be effectively managed in terms of the ways it is processed and how its wastes are disposed of. Because, when we burn it, it emits hazardous fumes.

Uses of the ABS Material

The following are the applications of ABS material in various fields;

  1. Automotive parts: The possible flashpoints include the dashboard, wheel covers, or the bumpers and their components.
  2. Consumer electronics: Notebook protectors, computer keys, and telephone body shields.
  3. Toys: Used in products such as the LEGO bricks since it is beyond stiffness.
  4. Household appliances: Vacuum cleaners, kettles, forks and cutleries, and food processors.
  5. 3D printing: Frequently used as the building material in 3D printing, filaments utilize dow ABS.
  6. Medical Devices: Medical device housing as well as other subassemblies and components require a material that is difficult to break, scratch, or wear as well as easy to sterilize, that is why ABS is widely used with parts such as inhalers and surgical instruments.
  7. Construction Materials: ABS is used cin construction products such as plumbing pipes and fittings. It is generally because of the material’s impact and chemical corrosive resistance characteristics.
  8. Automotive Interiors: In addition to the use in the dashboard and bumpers, it is also used for those parts of the vehicle that have to both be strong and give an elegant look. These may include interior trim, center console, and door panels.
  9. Office Equipment: ABS is used in the production of office equipment such as printers photocopying machines, and fax machines since it is rigid as well as has a good impact strength.


In conclusion, ABS is one of those well-known varieties of thermoplastic materials that demonstrate high levels of abrasion, impact, and heat resistance as well as ease of processing. Although it has very poor UV sensitivity and very low heat resistance, it is a better material owing to the many advantages it possesses in most uses. ABS is a reusable material that is used in various applications. These may include car parts, electronic gadgets, toys, and other products. As sustainability aspects getting much needed importance the recycling of ABS is getting attention for reducing the waste plastics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether it is safe to use ABS for food Contact?

It should be noted that, as a rule, ABS is not used for direct contact with foodstuffs. Although it finds several applications in indirect food-contact settings. please go to is ABS material safe page to know more.

How does ABS stand with high levels of heat?

ABS is heat resistant and it has the disadvantage of warping when exposed to heat for a long period.

How long does ABS Plastic last?

While very lightweight, ABS is also very tough and has high impact strength, so it’s good for unforgiving usage.

What are the uses of ABS in 3D printing?

ABS materials are commonly used in 3D printing that provide rigid and tear-resistant components such as prototypes, models, and part products.

Is ABS flame retardant?

There are ABS grades that are flame retardant, but the unalloyed ABS may not contain this property.

safety of plastic

Basics of ABS Plastic

ABS plastic is a very unique and versatile material. It belongs to class of thermoplastics. Mainly there are three basic components associated with ABS plastic in its composition. These include acrylonitrile, Butadiene and styrene. Each one of these components exhibits specific properties and characteristics. Polybutadiene provides toughness in the ABS plastic while styrene offers the characteristics of rigidity. The presence of acrylonitrile imparts the properties of chemical resistance in the ABS plastic. These unique and versatile properties make the ABS plastic very suitable to be utilized in numerous applications.

The applications range from consumer goods to auto industry parts and from electronic components to children toys. The process of molding and extrusion of ABS plastic can be easily carried out.ABS plastic have the ability and characteristics to maintain its shape and size when subjected to stress and heat. In the processes of manufacturing and prototyping ABS is consider much suitable because it offers balanced characteristics of flexibility and strength. Moreover it also provides very smooth surface finish and ease in post processing methods. Want to know about ABS palstic parts, please go to ABS injection molding to know more.

Background Related to Safety of ABS Plastic

The safety of ABS plastic is of significant importance keeping in view its utilization. There are regulatory standards devised for the manufacturing and processing of ABS plastic to ensure that the produced ABS plastic is safe. The exposure of ABS plastic to the high temperature raises major safety concern because it involves the release of styrene. In order to address this issue, safe limits have been defined by the regulatory bodies for the exposure of styrene in the applications involving food contact. These regularity bodies include the followings.

  • Food and Drug Administration
  • European Food Safety Authority

Research and development is going on to identify the harms, hazardous and risks which are linked with ABS plastic. This is to ensure the safety of ABC plastic to utilize in numerous applications.

Is ABS Plastic Safe

Chemical Composition of ABS Plastic

The chemical composition of ABS plastic is important and vital to understand the versatile characteristics and safe utilization of ABS plastic in numerous sectors. There are multiple monomers which combine and compose to form ABS which is a copolymer. This is essentially carried out by the polymerization process. Followings are the details of the three monomers which compose ABS plastic.

  1. Acrylonitrile

The chemical structure of this monomer possess nitrile group and has below mentioned specifications.

  • It provides chemical resistance to ABS plastic
  • It is a colorless liquid
  • It bears a specific odor
  • It offers heat stability to ABC stability
  • The nitrile group provides toughness and rigidity
  1. Butadiene

This is a rubbery substance which has conjugated double bonds. The processing of butane or butene results in the production of this petrochemical substance. This monomer has the below mentioned specifications.

  • This substance is a synthetic rubber
  • It provides flexibility to ABS plastic
  • The double bond of butadiene offers impact resistance to ABS plastic
  • It imparts resilience in the ABS plastic
  1. Styrene

This substance is derived from the processing of ethylene and benzene. This monomer has the following characteristics.

  • Styrene is a colorless liquid
  • It offers better gloss and shiny surface finish to ABS plastic
  • During the manufacturing process it provides ease of processing to ABS plastic
  • It provides the properties of rigidity to the ABS plastic

Process of Polymerization of ABS Plastic

The process of emulsion polymerization is adopted generally to carry out polymerization of ABS plastic. There are several steps involved in the emulsion polymerization which is described below.

Preparation of the emulsion

In this step the monomers including acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene are emulsified in water by utilizing the help of the followings.

  • Stabilizers
  • Surfactants

As a result of this process very small droplets of monomers mixture are produced which are dispersed in water.


In this important step two kinds of initiators are added in the emulsion mixture. Generally these initiators are the followings.

  • Azo compounds
  • Peroxides

After the addition of these initiators required temperature is provided in the presence of the activators. This will result in the decomposition of the initiators. Subsequently this decomposition will produce free radicals. These radicals are essentially the reactive species with unpaired electrons.


In the propagation step, the free radicals which were produced in the initiation step attack the double bonds which are present in the monomers including acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene. This attack will initiate a chain reaction in which monomers start to add with each other in proper sequence. Subsequently, as a result of this,polymer chains are produced which are in the continuously growing phase?


In this last step of polymerization the growing chains of polymerization are terminated. This is carried out by either one of these below mentioned methods.

  • Coupling termination in which polymer chains are combined with each other
  • Introducing a terminating agent in the reaction mixture which terminates the growth of polymer chains by reacting with them.

Details of Structure of ABS plastic

Polymer chains are produced as a result of polymerization process. These chains are comprised of three types of monomers which include followings.

  1. Acrylonitrile
  2. Butadiene
  3. Styrene

These units are randomly distributed along the polymer chains. However, the required properties and characteristics of resulting ABS plastic product define the ratio of these monomers in the polymer chains. Generally ABS plastic contains the following composition in its structure.

  • 20-30% acrylonitrile
  • 5-30% butadiene
  • 40-60% styrene

Processing of ABS Plastic

The processing of ABS plastic after polymerization is very important step. The processing of ABS plastic is normally carried out by following processing methods.

  • Blow molding
  • Injection molding
  • Extrusion process

Important Characteristics of ABS Plastic

The significant properties and characteristics of ABS plastic are as follows.

  • Heat stability and resistance to chemicals
  • Impact resistance and good toughness
  • Ease of processing and rigidity
  • Excellent durability
  • Lightweight material
  • Smooth surface finish
  • Excellent tensile strength
  • Good flexural strength
  • Ease of molding
  • Good machinability
  • ABS plastic is Recyclable
  • It gives good electrical insulation
  • Provides dimensional stability

Keeping in view the above mentioned characteristics and properties of ABS plastic it is consider very suitable to be utilized in numerous industries where durability and unique properties are required.

ABS plastic

Concerns Involving Safe Utilization of ABS Plastic

ABS plastic is extensively utilized in many sectors because of the balanced range of properties and characteristics that it offers. However, there are some concerns regarding the safe utilization of ABS plastic. These concerns involve the followings.

  1. Exposure to Chemicals during Manufacturing Process

The production process of the ABS plastic includes following three chemicals in general.

  • Styrene
  • Acrylonitrile
  • Butadiene

There are great chances that workers in the manufacturing setups are exposed to above mentioned chemicals during the production process of ABS plastic. These chemicals can cause the risk and danger to the human health and safety. So it is very important to ensure that these chemicals are properly controlled. In above mentioned chemicals, styrene is categorized as most harmful and is classified as possible carcinogen. This classification is based on the exposure levels of styrene and is declared harmful by health agencies.

  1. Leaching of the Chemicals during Utilization

Styrene monomer has the ability to leach from the plastic. Generally it happens when ABS plastic comes in contact with the following substances.

  • Solvents
  • Fatty foods
  • Oils

The contact and exposure of styrene with above mentioned substances pose potential risks to the human body and can create various health problems. These risks include the followings.

  • Respiratory issues
  • Potential carcinogenic effects with long and chronic exposure

The long exposure of acrylonitrile and butadiene may also raise safety concerns related to the human health. These concerns involve the followings.

  • Adverse reproductive effects (proved in animal studies)
  • Potential carcinogenic effects
  1. Biodegradability issue

The fact that ABS plastic is not biodegradable creates adverse impact on the environment safety. This is because; the persistence of ABS in the environment will become the reason of long term ecological impacts. Moreover, disposal processing of ABS plastic needs to be carried out in a proper way. Because, environmental pollution can be produced if disposal of ABS plastic is not monitored and done properly. Environmental pollution because of ABS plastic mainly includes the followings.

  • Potential marine pollution
  • Landfill accumulation
  • Littering

Control and Measures to Ensure That Is ABS Plastic Safe?

In order to ensure the safety of ABS plastic it is mandatory to control the steps and processes involved in its production. The implementations of safety measures are also necessary to ensure its safe utilization. Generally following measures are taken to make sure the safety of ABS plastic.

Control Measures Related To Production

The selection of raw material and testing of raw material plays an important role in ensuring the safety of ABS plastic. After that extensive testing of this raw material must be carried out to make sure that raw material adheres to the performance and safety standards. The testing of chemical composition of ABS plastic is also necessary on regular basis to ensure the followings.

  • Formulation of ABS plastic is consistent
  • Chemical composition is free from harmful contaminations

In addition to above mentioned parameters, the control of temperature during processing of ABS plastic is also important. Temperature control during the processing methods such as extrusion and injection molding ensure the following.

  • Integrity of the material is retained
  • Material does not release any harmful substances

Moreover, certain colorants and stabilizers are added in ABS plastic as additives and they need careful selection and close monitoring. This control is carried out to so that leaching of chemicals and toxic compounds can be prevented. The identification of the inconsistencies, defects and issues throughout the production cycle is necessary to make sure that safety is not compromised. Comprehensive testing protocols are implemented to ensure this aspect. The regulation of the manufacturing processes is ensured by adhering to the following international standards.

  • ISO 14001 for environmental management
  • ISO 9001 for quality management

Safety Measures and Environmental Considerations

ABS plastic bears excellent mechanical strength which prevents its breakage and consequently prevents hazards. Chemical resistance property of ABS plastic reduces the chances of harmful reactions during its utilization.ABS plastic is much compatible with other materials including adhesives and paints. This ability avoids the unintended chemical interaction which can compromise the safety of ABS plastic. The automotive components based on ABS plastic involve temperature in their applications. This temperature can cause the release of toxic fumes but ability of ABS plastic to withstand moderate temperature prevents this hazard.

Recyclability and disposal of ABS plastic are important factors which make impact on the environmental safety. So it is necessary to devise sustainable practices for recycling of ABS plastic. Subsequently, encouraging the recycling of ABS plastic will reduce the adverse impact on the environment. The utilization of ABS plastic products must be subjected to the implementation of the regulations and standards devised by the regulatory bodies such as FDA.

ABS injection molding


ABS plastic is a renowned thermoplastic which bear important properties and characteristics including tensile strength and durability. The applications of ABS plastic are found in many sectors ranging from automotive industry to electronics. The safety of ABS plastic depends on many factors including its chemical composition, production and manufacturing cycle and environmental considerations such as biodegradability and recycling.

In general, ABS plastic is considered safe to be utilized in many applications if its manufacturing and disposal is carried out according to protocols, regulations and standards devised by the regulatory authorities. There are certain factors which can accelerate the decomposition of ABS plastic. These factors include sunlight, high temperature environment and chemicals. So it is important to avoid exposure of ABS plastic to these factors. ABS plastic material must be used for the purpose they are manufactured for to prevent any harm and hazards created by non-specified applications.

Finally if you want to know more safety of plastics, please go to Is TPE safe, Is TPU safe, is silicone safe to know more about safety of other plastics materials.

TPE cup

What is TPE? Is TPE Safe?

The properties and characteristics of two separate groups are combined to form thermoplastic elastomers. These two groups are the followings.

  1. Thermoplastics (Upon heating these will melt and can also be molded)
  2. Elastomers (They shows elastic characteristics)

Moreover; these materials show the elastic properties similar to the rubber materials. This combination of properties is of important consideration because it enables these materials to be processed through numerous methods including extrusion, blow molding and injection molding. In this way these materials are manufactured effectively and efficiently.

Is TPE safe

The Structure of TPE (Basics)

Generally, there are three segments of the basic structure of thermoplastic elastomers.

  1. Structure of Block Copolymer
  2. Separation of the micro phase
  • Crystalline and amorphous portion

1. Block Copolymer Structure:

In general, thermoplastic elastomers are comprised of two different kinds of segments. These two segments or blocks are termed as hard segments and soft segments.

Hard segments: The hard segments of TPE provides basis for the mechanical properties of TPE. Consequently, these segments offer strength and stiffness to the thermoplastic elastomers. The hard segments of TPE are normally composed of thermoplastic blocks. These thermoplastic blocks have crystalline or glassy structure.

Soft Segments: The soft segments of TPE give the basis to provide elastic characteristics to the thermoplastic elastomers. The major properties and characteristics provided by these segments include followings.

  1. Elasticity
  2. Flexibility

The properties are governed by the rubber material present in the soft segments. The basic constituents are the followings.

  • Ethylene propylene
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene

2. Separation Of the Microphase

The structure of thermoplastic elastomers at the microscopic level is of significant importance. The basic portions of TPE which are hard segments and soft segments have the tendency to lose joining at microscopic scale. The separation of these segments is crucial to characteristics and properties of the thermoplastic elastomers. The mechanical properties of TPE are directly affected by this separation. The thermoplastic phase of TPE ensures the structural integrity while the rubbery phase upholds the elastic nature of TPE. Subsequently the variation in mechanical characteristics of TPE including hardness, tensile strength and elongation is controlled by the nature and extent of separation of the microphase.

  • Crystalline And Amorphous Portion

There are two portions of hard segments of TPE. These portions are termed as crystalline and amorphous region. In order to achieve the required characteristics and properties these regions of hard segments of TPEs are tailored during the manufacturing process. The crystalline portion offers properties of strength and rigidity while amorphous portion gives characteristics of impact resistance and flexibility. 

The Prime Question, Is TPE Safe?

Thermoplastic elastomers possess unique characteristics and they can be easily processed for manufacturing. Because of these advantages, utilization of TPEs has been increased in various sectors and industries. Consequently, by the expansion of the utilization of TPEs, the question regarding the safe usage of thermoplastic elastomers arises.

Generally, if thermoplastic elastomers are being utilized in appropriate manner and not violating the regulatory standards, they are considered safe. So TPE is safe to be used in numerous applications because they are engineered in such a way that they do not contain any harmful substance and are nontoxic as well. However, some perceptions are there which consider that thermoplastic elastomers are not safe to be used in certain contexts. go to TPE injection molding page to know more.

Potential Concerns Regarding Usage of TPEs

Followings are the potential concerns which need to be addressed regarding utilization of thermoplastic elastomers.

1. Biocompatibility

Thermoplastic elastomers are readily utilized in medical sector and food industry. In food industry TPEs are used for manufacturing of food containers while in medical sector they are utilized to produce various medical implants and to form pharmaceutical packaging. Keeping in view the sensitivity of these utilizations, some specific biocompatibility test of TPEs must be carried out prior to their usage in such vital areas. These certain tests will ensure that thermoplastic elastomers will not release any harmful substances inside the body when subjected to utilization. Following two parameters need to be carried out carefully to ensure that TPEs are safe:

  • Proper formulation
  • Adequate testing for biocompatibility
  • Chemical Additives

This parameter is of significant importance regarding the safety of thermoplastic elastomers. This concern is related to the formulation of the TPEs which may pose risks if not properly checked and tested as per regulatory limits. Following chemical additives are included in certain thermoplastic elastomers mainly to uplift their characteristics.

  • Stabilizers
  • Flame retardants
  • Plasticizers

It is pertinent to mention that certain flame retardants and plasticizers tends to disrupt the hormones. Mainly phthalates and brominated compounds are included in this category. The adverse effects of these chemicals are directly related to the health concerns. It is important to eliminate the risks which are posed to human health by these chemical additives utilized in thermoplastic elastomers. Keeping that in view the role of manufacturers is very important in this context because they to ensure at all costs that chemical additives being utilized in TPEs are in full compliance with safety standards and regulatory limits.

2. Recycling of TPEs (A process full of challenges)

There are numerous challenges which are to be faced and overcome during the recycling of TPEs. This is because of these two main reasons.

  1. Chemical additives used in TPEs
  2. Numerous kinds of formulations

Generally, the quality of recycled thermoplastic elastomers is inferior as compared to new manufactured TPEs. This is because of the mixed plastics which are also contaminated as well most of the times. Consequently, these low quality TPEs cannot be utilized in certain applications and ultimately this leads to waste management problems.

3. Environmental Impact

There are two types of sources from which thermoplastic elastomers are derived.

  1. Bio based sources
  2. Petroleum based sources

The processing and cultivation of TPEs which are bio-based need energy, water and land. However, these are less relied on fossil fuels. While the processing and extraction of TPEs which are petroleum based provides contribution in greenhouse gas emission and consumption of fossil fuel. Thermoplastic elastomers are recyclable, lightweight and provide significant energy efficiency during processing. Because of these characteristics TPEs are more environment friendly as compared many other materials.

Although, TPEs offer many soft corners for environment it may have some adverse effects on the environment as well. This happens usually because of the improper disposal of the thermoplastic elastomers. This is of significance importance because thermoplastic elastomers can contain following harmful substances.

  • Chemical additives
  • Contaminations

Consequently, improper disposal of TPEs will result into environmental pollution.

Silicone cup

Misconceptions Regarding Safety of TPEs

There are some misconceptions as well which leads to the creation of the perception that thermoplastic elastomers are not safe. These misunderstandings are quite different from the actual concerns. These misconceptions are as follows.

  1. Lack of Awareness and Outdated Information

The important factor to create the perception that thermoplastic elastomer is safe or not is awareness. This awareness includes following two important parameters.

  1. The knowledge of specific kind of TPEs being utilized in various products and items
  2. The understanding of rules and regulatory standards which are in place and re being implemented to ensure the safety of thermoplastic elastomers

So, subsequently lack of awareness of the above-mentioned parameters will lead to the misconception that thermoplastic elastomers are not safe. Moreover, there is continuous advancement in the fields of polymer chemistry and material science. This advancement is leading towards the enhanced and improved safety profiles of thermoplastic elastomers. It is important to base the perception about the safety of TPEs on updated and authentic information. Because, misinformation or outdated information will ultimately produce misconceptions regarding safety of thermoplastic elastomers and mistrust about plastic materials.

  1. Confusion with Other Materials Which Release Harmful Substances

Most of the times, thermoplastic elastomers are confused with other materials which release harmful substances. This confusion normally arises between TPEs and following two materials.

  1. Thermoset plastics
  2. Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Confusion with Thermoset Plastics

Thermoset plastics tend to emit harmful and dangerous substances during the following processes.

  • Production process
  • Degradation process

Thermoset plastics differ from TPEs due to followings:

  1. Thermoset plastics shows irreversible chemical reactions
  2. Re melting and reshaping cannot be done

While on the other hand thermoplastic elastomers show the quite opposite behavior.

TPE shose

Confusion with Thermoplastic Polyurethane

The addition of diisocyanate with polyol chemical additives will lead to the production of thermoplastic polyurethane. TPU is created which provides the following characteristics and properties.

  • Elasticity and shape memory
  • Resilience and Flexibility
  • High toughness
  • Good impact resistance
  • Enhanced durability
  • Excellent resistance to Oil and other contaminations
  • Resistance to extreme weather conditions

Thermoplastic Polyurethane tends to emit certain chemicals based on the following factors.

  • Formulation and composition of thermoplastic Polyurethane
  • Type and nature of chemical additives

The dangerous and harmful materials released by the thermoplastic Polyurethane includes the followings.

  • Flame retardants
  • Plasticizers
  • Stabilizers

These chemicals pose potential threat to human life if they are released in the open environment and then inhaled or ingested. Go to TPU injection molding page to know more about TPU.

Confusion with Poly Vinyl Chloride

PVC tends to emit dangerous materials when some typical conditions exist.

These conditions can exist during the following stages.

  • During the production of PVC
  • During the utilization of PVC
  • During the disposal of PVC

PVC is often confused with thermoplastic elastomers. This confusion is mostly based because of the unawareness of the following parameters.

  • Safety profiles of the materials
  • Chemical composition of the material
  • Impact of the material on the environment

The detailed comparison and explanation is presented below to elaborate the difference between PVC and TPEs and how the confusion arises.

Comparison with Thermoplastic Polyurethane, Thermoplastic Elastomers and Thermoplastic Polyurethane

The detailed comparison how thermoplastic elastomers differ from thermoplastic polyurethane is presented below.

Comparative Data of PVC, TPU, and TPEs

Poly vinyl chloride Thermoplastic Polyurethane Thermoplastic elastomers
Toxicity and Plasticizers Addition.

Flexibility of PVC is gained by the addition of certain chemicals including phthalates. These health issues mainly include reproductive abnormalities. Medical devices and toys of children plays the role of carriers for these  abnormalities

Toxicity and chemicals Addition.

Thermoplastic polyurethane possesses isocyanates in its composition and formulation. It is pertinent to mention that these isocyanates behave in the harm way in following manners.

  1. Sensitizers
  2. Respiratory irritants

Consequently, these are potential risk factors keeping in view the human health and safety. When processing or production of TPUs is carried out these dangerous substances can be released. So proper safety measure needs to be adopted to ensure safety.

Advancement in material science and polymer chemistry has made it possible to design thermoplastic elastomers which are phthalates free. This leads to eliminating concerns about the harmful addition of these additives and toxicity being created by them. Consequently, when the formulation of the TPEs is free of phthalates it means it will not affect the human life in harmful way.
Impact on Environment

When the emission of harmful substances and waste management is taken into account, PVC tends to raise concerns regarding safety of the environment. The reality which describes that PVC is not biodegradable plays vital role in it. Moreover, it can release harmful substances during process of disposal and manufacturing.

Impact on Environment

Thermoplastic polyurethane tends to leave adverse effects on environment depending on their mishandling during disposing process. They needed to be carefully recycled so that isocyanates can be prevented to be released in the environment.


Thermoplastic elastomers provide less adverse impact on the environment because TPEs can be recycled and ultimately can be reused for numerous applications. Although thermoplastic elastomers are also not biodegradable but they are generally thought to be more environment friendly.

Approval of the Regulatory Bodies

There are many restrictions which have been imposed on the utilization of PVC. The basis of these strict measures is the addition of dangerous materials in PVC.

Approval of the Regulatory Bodies

Thermoplastic polyurethane must comply with the regulation standards devised by REACH (Europe) and FDA (USA).


Before the usage and application of thermoplastic elastomers in numerous industries and sectors controlled testing is carried out. These tests are governed by the regulatory bodies to make sure the compliance with ultimate safety measures.


Thermoplastic elastomers proved to have versatile characteristics and found their utilization in many important areas. Generally, TPEs are considered safe to be utilized in numerous applications when their manufacturing is carried out in a proper way. The concerns which need to be addressed regarding the safety of the thermoplastic elastomers include their biocompatibility, challenges faced during their recycling, their impact on the environment and nature of the chemicals being added in TPEs. These concerns can be effectively addressed by ensuring the correct and transparent formulation of the product, by adhering to standards established by regulatory bodies and by carrying out proper waste management.

Thermoplastic elastomers are being extensively utilized in food industry, consumer goods and medical sector. Among these entire medical sectors is most important because it involves the sensitive factor of the human health. These applications are using thermoplastic elastomers considering its non-toxic nature. The advance research and development are focused on making the thermoplastic elastomers safer along with enhanced mechanical characteristics and properties. This will ultimately broaden the scope of TPEs applications by ensuring its safety.

plastic material for injection molding

Injection molding materials are used in our life all the day on the world. Undstand the molding materials. See how strong they are. Find creative uses such as toys, blocks, and gears. Every material has its unique advantages. This blog makes it easier for you to choose the best ones!

What Are The Most Common Plastic Materials For Injection Molding?


ABS is an example of plastic injection molding materials. This material’s tensile strength is 44 MPa. It has high impact strength. The density is 1.04 g/cm³. It has a melting point of 220°C. That assists it to take the required shape. They use ABS for LEGO bricks. This material resists heat. It is very sturdy.

ABS turns out to be particularly suitable for injection molding. It is used in the production of many toys. The electrical insulation characteristic of the material used in ABS is fairly good. It is widely used in manufacturing. Know about about ABS injection molding.

Injection molding materials


Polypropylene is light. It weighs 0.91 g/cm³. Its tensile strength is 30 MPa. This plastic is quite chemical resistant. They shape it at a temperature of 160°C. The material is flexible. Plastic injection molding materials like this are used in containers. It has low absorption of moisture.

It is used to make ropes. The surface is smooth. This plastic can also be recycled. Polypropylene can handle heat. It’s strong and durable. Learn more about Polypropylene injection molding.


Polycarbonate is tough. Its tensile strength is 70 MPa. The density is 1.20 g/cm³. Its melting point is 267°C. This material is clear. They use it for lenses. Polycarbonate is shatterproof.

It blocks UV rays. Plastic injection molding materials like this are lightweight. Many gadgets use it. It has high impact strength. Polycarbonate is heat resistant. This plastic can be used in many different ways. Learn more about Polycarbonate injection molding.

PMMA (Acrylic)

PMMA or Acrylic is similar material like PC, it is one of the best transperancy plastic matrials, most of industry use PMMA to replace the glass, the density is 1.18 g/cm³, the melting points is arrange between 220-260°C, there are lots of lens, glasses are using PMMA injection molding process, go to acrylic injection molding or PMMA molding page to know more about this material.


Nylon is very strong. Its tensile strength is 75 MPa. The density of this material is 1.15 g/cm³. The melting point is 220°C. Plastic injection molding materials such as Nylon are wear-resistant.

They use it for gears. This plastic absorbs water. It’s tough and flexible. For instance, bearings are better made from nylon. The surface is smooth. It can be easily colored. This material is durable. It is commonly employed in textiles. Learn more about Nylon injection molding.


Polystyrene is clear. It has a density of 1.05 g/cm³. The tensile strength is 35 MPa. This plastic is rigid. Finally, they shape it at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.

Plastic injection molding materials like polystyrene are lightweight. It is used for cups. This material insulates well. The plastic is brittle. They use it in packaging. It’s easy to shape. Polystyrene is cost-effective. Many products use it. It can be recycled.


PEEK is very tough. It has a tensile strength of 90 MPa. The density of this material is 1.32 g/cm³. The melting point is 343°C. PEEK resists chemicals. Plastic injection molding materials like PEEK are used in aerospace. This plastic is highly resistant. It handles heat well. PEEK is lightweight.

It is widely used in many medical devices. It’s wear-resistant. The material is durable. PEEK is especially suitable for highly stressed areas. Learn more about PEEK plastic injection molding.


PVC is common. Its density is 1.38 g/cm³. The tensile strength is 50 MPa. Plastic injection molding materials like PVC resist water. They shape it at 160°C. PVC is rigid. They use it for pipes.

The material insulates well. It is durable. PVC can also be flexible at times. This plastic is cost-effective. It is used in many building materials. It’s easy to shape. PVC is versatile.


Acetal is strong. It has a tensile strength of 70 Mega Pascal. This plastic’s density is 1.41 g/cm³. The melting point is 175°C. Acetal is smooth. Plastic injection molding materials like Acetal are used for gears. This material resists wear. It’s tough and rigid. Acetal is suitable for bearings. They mold it easily. The plastic is durable. This is applied in many fields. Acetal is reliable. Lear more about POM injection molding.


TPE is soft. Its density is 1.2 g/cm³. The tensile strength is 10 MPa. Plastic injection molding materials such as TPE are flexible. It is shaped at 200°C. TPE is used for grips. The material is elastic.

It feels rubbery. This plastic resists fatigue. TPE is easy to color. It’s used in toys. The material is comfortable. They often use it in handles of objects such as receptacles and furniture. TPE is versatile. Learn more about TPE injection molding.


HDPE is sturdy. It has a density of 0.95 g/cm³. The tensile strength is 30 MPa. Plastic injection molding materials like HDPE are tough. They shape it at the temperature of 130°C. HDPE is used for bottles. Learn more about HDPE injection molding.

The material resists impact. It’s lightweight. This plastic is durable. HDPE is suitable for pipes. It doesn’t absorb water. The material is recyclable. Many containers use it. HDPE is reliable.

Below are most ten injection molding materials used in the world, if you want to know more plastic materials, please go to another injection molding materials page, there are more materials for you to select.

Material Density (g/cm³) Melting Point (°C) Tensile Strength (MPa) Flexural Modulus (GPa) Impact Resistance
ABS 1.04 200 40-60 2.1 High
Polypropylene (PP) 0.91 160 30-40 1.5 Moderate
Polycarbonate (PC) 1.2 270 60-70 2.2 Very High
PMMA (Acrylic) 1.18 220-260 50-70 2.1 Middle high
Nylon(PA6 or PA66) 1.15 260 70-100 3 High
Polystyrene (PS) 1.05 240 30-50 3.2 Low
PEEK 1.3 340 90-100 4 Very High
PVC 1.38 200 40-60 2.6 Moderate
Acetal (POM) 1.41 175 60-80 2.9 High
TPE 1.15 230 20-30 1 Very High
HDPE 0.95 130 20-30 1 Moderate

Table on The Most Common Plastic Materials For Injection Molding!

plastic injection molding materials

What Are The Key Factors In Choosing Injection Molding Materials?

Tensile Strength

Tensile strength measures force. It helps pick materials. ABS withstands 4,400 psi. Nylon has 12,400 psi. The higher the psi, the sturdier the plastic is. Machines employ kN in determination of strength.

50 kN is good. This tests whether plastic is breakable. Stronger plastics last longer. Plastic injection molding materials like polycarbonate have 9,000 psi. Choose the best one.

Thermal Stability

Materials must endure heat. Nylon withstands 170°C. Polyethylene handles 120°C. Stability matters for molds. Thermocouples measure heat. The number reads °C.

Do not melt at high °C. PP resists 140°C. Select the one with the high limit. PEEK resists 250°C. Choose right for the job.

Impact Resistance

Impact strength matters. It shows material toughness. ABS has 300 J/m. Polycarbonate has 850 J/m. This means it’s strong. Tests use joules (J). Energy consumed up to the point when a material fractures is taken into account. Materials with high J/m are also said to be tough. They survive hits better. Plastic injection molding materials like nylon have 400 J/m. Choose wisely.


Materials bend differently. Flexibility matters. TPU bends easily. It has 550% elongation. Polypropylene (PP) bends 200%. Machines test it. They use Mpa. PP has 35 Mpa.

The flexible plastics do not burst quickly. PVC bends 80%. Check elongation rates. Higher is better. Pick the right one.

Chemical Resistance

Plastics resist chemicals differently. PP resists acids well. PE resists bases. Tests use pH scale. Higher pH means stronger base. Plastic injection molding materials like nylon resist 10 pH.

They use tests to check resistance. Good resistance lasts longer. PVDF resists 12 pH. Choose the material depending on usage.

Shrinkage Rate

Shrinkage rate affects size. Nylon shrinks 1.5%. PP shrinks 2%. Low shrinkage keeps shape. Measurements use %. Machines check dimensions. Shrinkage varies by material. ABS has 0.7% shrinkage. Select low rates for accuracy. Polystyrene shrinks 0.6%. Ensure it fits well.

UV Resistance

UV rays damage plastics. UV stabilizers help. HDPE has good resistance. UV tests measure exposure. Machines use nm. UV stabilizers block rays. Nylon resists UV poorly.

PP resists better. They add stabilizers. Pick UV-resistant plastics. It is more resistant to degradation by sunlight.

Moisture Absorption

Moisture changes plastic. Nylon absorbs 3%. It affects strength. PP absorbs less, 0.03%. Tests use %. Machines measure absorption. Low moisture keeps strength. PBT absorbs 0.1%.

Choose low-absorbent materials. Plastic injection molding materials remain tough and long-lasting. It matters for performance.

Surface Finish

Surface finish affects looks. Smooth finishes matter. Machines measure roughness. Ra units show it. Lower Ra, smoother surface. ABS has good finish. Polishing improves it. PP can be shiny. They measure roughness with Ra. Aim for smooth finishes. It looks better.

injection molding material selection guide

How Does The End-Use Application Influence Material Selection?


Load Capacity

The strength of the plastic is high and it can hold up to 50 kg. ABS is the material. This part must be sturdy. Structural components require high MPa. It won’t bend easily.

The strength matters. PSI shows how strong. That does help to keep things safe. Plastic injection molding materials handle load stress well. Load stress is important.

Chemical Contact

Some plastics handle H₂SO₄. HDPE is used here. This plastic resists chemicals. It’s very important. Tanks need it. They must endure exposure. Corrosion can damage. That is why we are selective. The resistance is high. Safety matters a lot.

Temperature Range

Heat is tough! 150°C is the limit. PEEK works well. This plastic handles heat. Engine parts use it. They have to remain strong all the time. Thermal stability matters. It won’t melt.

That keeps everything safe. Plastic injection molding materials are used widely. The range of use is quite broad.

Mechanical Stress

Strong plastic is key. 100 MPa handles pressure. PC is great here. This plastic resists impacts. Machines need it. They won’t crack easily. Stress testing is vital. That’s how we check. It does not melt under pressure. Strong is best!

Wear Resistance

Plastic must last long. UHMWPE is super strong. This material fights wear. Moving parts love it. They slide easily. Friction is low. That keeps them working. The wear rate is small. It helps parts last. Long life is best. Plastic injection molding materials ensure durability.


Plastic lasts 10 years. PTFE keeps it new. This material resists aging. It is necessary that parts be tough. They survive time. Tests check durability. That’s how we know. Life span is important. It remains hard, enduring for a long time. That is why we select it.

How Do Mechanical Properties Impact Material Choice?

Elastic Modulus

Stretching of the materials used in plastic injection molding such as PP or ABS is possible. The modulus is 2000 MPa. It explains how rigid some of the materials used are.

This aids in the strengthening of various parts. They hold their shape. That makes toys safe. Elasticity is relevant to each product.

Yield Strength

PP and PC can flex. Yield strength is 30 Mpa. This means they do not want to be broken. Components like gears require this. It assists them to have a long life. That keeps machines working. Plastic injection molding materials help them stay in shape.

Fatigue Resistance

PA and PBT are high. The fatigue resistance is 5000 cycles. This assists toys to have a long durability. It stops cracks forming. Some parts such as hinges require it. They move often. This makes them durable. It keeps toys fun. Kids enjoy playing longer.


HDPE and PVC are strong. It is 70 Shore D in hardness and is safe on surfaces. This assists toys to be resistant to scratches. Some parts such as buttons remain smooth. It matters for durability. Kids can play safely. Playtime is fun.


PVC and PETG are capable of stretching. Ductility is 30%. This helps parts flex. They don’t break easily. It matters for straps. This keeps toys flexible. Kids can bend them. That makes play safe. Plastic injection molding materials make stretching and twisting enjoyable.

Shear Strength

Nylon and PC are tough. Shear strength is 60 MPa. It aids in preventing parts from being cut. This matters for gears. They stay intact. That makes machines safe. Kids play confidently. There is always fun and safety.


ABS and PP are strong and can withstand force. Toughness is 300 J/m². It means they can take punishment. This helps toys not to get damaged. Kids play roughly. That makes toys long-lasting. It matters for wheels. They handle drops well. Playtime is always safe.

Compression Strength

PEEK and PSU are robust. Compressive strength is 90 MPa. It aids a part to bear pressure. This is particularly important for blocks. They don’t squash easily. Kids can stack them.

That makes building fun. Toys stay in shape. Plastic injection molding materials keep playtime safe and creative.

Thermoset and Thermoplastic

How Important Are Aesthetic Properties In Material Selection?

Color Options

Plastic colors can be vivid. They include RGB, CMYK, or Pantone codes. This makes toys fun. Each of the shades has a number associated with it. They include #FF0000, #00FF00, and #0000FF. It assists children to choose favorites. Some common types include PP and ABS.

Surface Texture

Plastic textures feel different. Some are glossy; others have rough surface. Kids love exploring these. The surface roughness (Ra) also changes. It is from 0.8 to 3.2 µm. This helps grip. Materials like HDPE or PETG have distinct surface characteristics. They’re great for small hands!

Gloss Level

Glossy plastics shine. Some have 85 GU (Gloss Units). It makes toys sparkle. This catches a child’s eye. Matte options, about 10 GU are smooth. They all come in handy. It depends on the toy. Possible choices are PMMA and PC.


Transparent plastics are fun. Some are 90% clear. Children are smart enough to see through them. They can locate concealed toys. Each transparency level helps. Some examples include PS and PC. These make playtime exciting. They are also very strong and secure!


Opaque plastics block light. Some have 100% opacity. This hides surprises inside. It keeps toys mysterious. Different levels add fun. Materials such as POM and PVC seem to be ideal for use. They create bright colorful blocks. These keep kids engaged. They’re so interesting!


It’s cool to have patterns on plastics. Dots, stripes, or stars are fun. This assists toys to be noticeable. Every design employs the use of a mold. Types include 2D and 3D. It’s fun to touch. TPE and PP are versatile materials.

Surface Uniformity

Uniform surfaces look neat. Plastic must be even. This is expressed in terms of microns. Such values as 0.5 to 1.5 µm provide smoothness. Kids love touching them. Other materials like ABS or PET should be used. They make perfect toys.

Scratch Resistance

Scratch-resistant plastics last long. Some score 9H on the hardness scale. It keeps toys pretty. Kids can play freely. PC and Nylon are strong materials. They resist marks well. Each toy stays shiny.


Selecting plastic injection molding materials is enjoyable! ABS and Nylon are strong materials. They assist in making toys and gears safe. That keeps playtime exciting. For further information, please visit PlasticMold. Get the best materials today!